"Cholo" is a pejorative term, an ethnic slur. Similar to other racist names, Latinos took to using it amongst themselves to reduce the "power" of the insult. As a Mexi-American, Tisci making that comment is offensive.
"Cholo" is a pejorative term, an ethnic slur. Similar to other racist names, Latinos took to using it amongst themselves to reduce the "power" of the insult. As a Mexi-American, Tisci making that comment is offensive.
The only bump a girl needs, IMO.
They don't just funnel - they full on create an account for you! It's crap. I created a nest BEFORE I was engaged (scandal!) and I have no plans on ever having a bump, unless you count the one I've already created thanks to wine and chocolate.
It's either gotta be specifically your grandma's handbag or all grandmothers' handbags. Each option is ridiculous and delightful.
The privilege is strong with this one
crab water, gasoline, salt water, vinegar, with hints of citrus and alcohol.
"My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke cock. I'm going to start dating separately from my dick"
Facebook actually does something beneficial! Good shit, FB. Good shit.
Bosses who fall for that crap are irritating. I'm okay with admitting you need quiet and therefore prefer to stay late when the office is empty, but don't fuck around all day and then stay late and make it seem like you're an overachiever.
That would make a fantastic sci fi book. People would be required to live about 10 different lives—they would be virtual but would seem real, and would take a full lifetime as you were living them, but then you would return to your original self and no time would have passed. That would be school. Then you would begin…
The working late/butts in the seat mentality is so stupid. If I can get my work done in six hours, why should I stay the extra two hours? I'm not getting paid extra when I stay late to finish something or work on weekends or at night. The quality of work should matter more than physical presence for all employees.…
This piece sure did no favors to child-free women as a group. It certainly seemed to set up that old dichotomy that the childless "career woman" is a hostile harpy to mothers and that they retaliate against mothers because they simply cannot understand until they have a child of their own. If I were childfree, I'd be…
Running around the apartment making airplane noises and then giggling hysterically. I still do this when my fiancee is out of town.
My grandparents slept in separate bedrooms, and that used to make me sad when I was a kid. Now I sooo get it.
Everyone always feaks out when I tell them I can eat a whole pizza by myself no prob! Glad to know I am not the only one!
I'm recently divorced and living alone for the first time ever. It's AMAZING. My ex husband was super critical and I am experiencing freedom like I've never known.
My husband and I met and started dating as teenagers. A few years into our relationship I started to have bouts of depression. Then, 3.5 years into the relationship, I started compulsively cheating on him and had bouts where I never slept. Somewhere in the middle of this, we got engaged. He found out about the 5th…
I'll let you in on a little secret: American's like to pretend like we're the hardest working bunch so we don't give anyone vacation to keep up appearances.