
"When will the white community leaders stand up and condemn this epidemic of serial killers?"

Dear Certain White People (you know who you are),


There was this documentary on when they found Richard III (you probably saw it), and in it there was this archaeologist who was all fucked up that it turned out Richard III really had scoliosis. She was in actual tears about how tragic it was, not that someone had severe scoliosis and that must've sucked (which would

The cause of their deaths, however, is not known at this time.

But isn't the whole planet one mega mass grave, if you really think about it?

They were chilling, huh? Were they under the frozen section?

Passionate and outspoken woman = angry woman.

Are there people who like Pornstache more than him?

I mean, I hate Larry but I hate Pornstache even more.

Owls and penguins are the only birds I like. But the Dutch were the nicest Europeans I encountered (tied with the Irish). I don't know who to root for! #HupOwlland

Owl be back.

"Goddamn autocorrect!" - God

So that he could wear them on his shoulder?

It would be a simpler life for sure. No more stress, just braaains.

It would take a keen eye to spot the difference between zombie Burning Man and regular Burning Man.

Well, they took the report seriously because of their 10th Man doctrine - if 9 people have the same info and agree on a course of action, it is the duty of the 10th man to disagree and come up with a differing solution. The 10th man forced the other 9 to reconsider and prepare for the invasion.

I found it sadly humorous that the only thing that was bringing the Israelis and Palestinians together was the zombie apocalypse in WWZ.
