
I'm not personally comfortable with commercial surrogacy, and I have nothing but blind hot rage over that piece of shit Australian couple.

It's inevitable, you backward fucks. Maybe you should try to secede again to keep people from having rights you're not fond of.

Ugh Texas - in a constant battle with Florida for "Black Sheep State" status (though keep it up, Oklahoma, you may win this one yet!)

I was imagining her as an evil megalomaniac. It's my own EL James fanfiction.

This is precisely what the GOP plan to do.

We'll get there, America. We'll get there.

Unless you are a fucking sociopath or the guy is a serious asshole who deserves it, I think its obvious that you let him save face by saying yes and then turn him down in private.

My husband died. I moved on eventually. Some British nobleman tried wooing me. I fell for him. We boned in a Liverpool hotel. He asked me to marry him. I said no, and then cut my hair short.

What the fuck are YOU talking about??? First off, I said I haven't had sex since the summer, so that is not over a year (reading comprehension: learn it). Second, I was talking about monogamy in the general sense, as in, I am a human being with the capacity for thought who has contemplated the matter and have decided

If Katherine Heigl can get work after biting the hand that feeds (repeatedly) and just being the worst, I don't why Mo'Nique is having opportunities taken away.

Are you me? I think you are me. Especially with the whole 'European and leaving the country the next day thing'...

As a dude, I think one of the problems is that, especially around your college-immediate post college years, there's a lot of pressure to be as promiscuous as possible. Society says "oh you gotta CRUSH those CHICKS HARD" but a lot of us are pretty content to just have one person? And it's tough to say out loud!

I was always super-duper monogamous, but oddly enough now that I've been married for a decade I feel like I could go for a piece on the side. My spouse wouldn't be terribly averse to my doing so, either. He thinks it's kinda hot.

Why not both?

I always knew that the general idea about gendered sexual behavior was a load of misogynist, woman-controlling crap (even before I became an anthropologist).

What'd she order, Fish Filet?


But Adultosaur needs to know what TayTay eats so she can perfectly emulate her and woo her when she takes her out to dinner someday

Introducing... The next Victoria's Secret Angel...