
the little kid in that pic has a fucked up and weird forehead

Can I just say that I love Anne Boleyn? I follow "her" on twitter (an actor who plays her in reenactments) and she posted this news a few days ago. Very interesting.

Here's my question: if the new law applies to both sexes equally in the sense that gun-toting would be legal for both (which I'm assuming it does), and going off the stereotypical stranger/bushes rape these policy makers love so much, wouldn't that mean there will probably be more instances of gun-wielding bush

Isis, just stop. You had me at Nutella.

Hold up, hold up EGR. You went for the Spotify premium account, but you stopped short of an HBO subscription. I NEEDS IT. And I don't mean ISIS's father's account that I can log into HBO GO sometimes, when the internet (because that's a given) is working shittily, I mean a real honest to Jeebus HBO subscription.


"Women were created from men," says Zach.

There is definitely a relationship between the amount of money an organization has -coughcoughcoughScientology— and the creative legal defenses they employ. First Amendment for not reporting child abuse is a new one on me though.

"You will find him to be a fine individual, kind, loving, and appreciates the peace and refreshment of the Christian Brotherhood," the letter read. "He is a very interesting individual who has taken the lead with some young ones in the congregation and helped them from vearying (sic) off course."

I agree that getting along with coworkers is one of the most important parts of any job, but how would you gauge that from an interview? There are shy people who take a while to make connections with other people but are polite and considerate and will give you the shirt off their backs, and then there are friendly,

Great point, except that this is actually a very old story.

I also had no idea what was normal in a father-daughter relationship.

Well, damn.

This has been said a lot here already, but you're incredibly brave for writing this and your writing is superb.

Thank you so much for sharing your story, Natasha. I'm sure this will be hugely helpful to other GSA survivors who would otherwise feel totally alone. You're very brave and I wish you the best of luck as you continue to heal.

This is some brave shit.

Whatever. Fuck these people and their fucking gadgets. I'm not here to throw shade on you if fitness isn't your thing. So move along if you watch HoC while eating a tub of tres leches cake. Life is short, I'm glad you found your way to forget we are all headed to the grave.

Whatever. It may not be totally accurate but the $50 I spent on my fitbit was worth it. It 100% shames me into walking more. Judgemental numbers do so much more for me than they should. Do whatever works for you. All I know is that getting to the step goal becomes an obsession with users and it gets you moving more.

The Syracuse ABC affiliate interviewed the KFC manager on duty when and he was still shocked about the incident.

A guy with an open gunshot wound is still arguably the healthiest person in a KFC.