
Ohhh my bad! I’m sure it’s beautiful - where’s your selfie? :) No one in my family has blond hair and when I was like 10 I was SURE it meant I was adopted. But I guess I’m just #blessed. Now if only I hadn’t inherited terrible eyesight, cavity-prone teeth and the likelihood my acne will continue into my 50’s...

Yay natural blonds!

Thanks! I’m so obsessed with the bun!!!

I have rocked the pixie game twice since college, both times for a year or so then grow the hair out, donate, pixie cut, repeat. It’s the BEST. You can honestly do so much more with short hair than with long.

Oh god...just gonna do it...here’s me. Just got bangs last week for the first time in my life and LOVE THEM and the top-head-bun I can do now. So so much. Bangs are love. Bangs are life. If anyone here knows me in real life...eh. Oh well.

So cute!

I was in a bike crash a while ago and broke my hand, and so can’t play the guitar, and now all the calluses on my left hand’s finger tips are softening and peeling away to reveal tender, painful flesh/skin underneath. So not only is my right (dominant) hand halfway useless (I can use the top half of the fingers but

Interesting note: I read once that the make-up/enhancements women use all have some sort of weird, biological reproductive point to them - mascara/eye liner makes your eyes look bigger, and big eyes is due to more estrogen, hence better reproduction chances. Red lips and cheeks = general healthiness/ruddiness, hence

Where do you purchase Nars?

I used to try all the cool trendy stuff and then finally just stopped doing everything except using a wash thing after a hard workout, other than that just cool water and it’s not perfect but my skin is better than when I used all sorts of products on it! Give it a try. All that bullshit on the market is just trying

It’s such an amazing show! And the theme song is the best. So fucking catchy.

Sending some good energy :)

I totally agree with the whole don’t-be-a-judgy-asshole thing, especially when it comes to parenting - just having a needy dog and sometimes watching my younger cousins gives me a LOT of empathy for actual parents of little humans who can’t leave at the end of the day or lock their charge into a cozy cage for 6 hours

Right. Because remember that whole thing where abortions are LEGAL? It DOESN’T MATTER what the % number is or how it’s not/is paid for, abortions are a LEGAL HEALTH SERVICE FOR WOMEN and I am SO FUCKING SICK of everyone trotting out the 3% thing, I think I’m going to abort myself.

Oh yeah definitely. I’ve had some dudes in my life who it’s like “we bang or nothing.” There is no middle ground. As a rule I don’t really hang out with a guy who ever says dumb bullshit like “men and women just can’t REALLY be friends.” Uh, no. YOU cannot be friends with women because you see them as a receptacle for

Trolling or not, this is amazing.

You know, this is really just a mental health issue. Anytime people do something violent, it’s because mental health.

Don’t ever let this woman read the book Geek Love. A whole cult of people become convinced of this sort of thing and have their limbs surgically removed and it’s super freaky. Hopefully the book is not available in brail.

I think the most important thing is to not be friends on facebook with an ex or follow them on any social media. I cannot stand friends who go crazy seeing what their ex is up to, what cute guy/girl they posted a picture with, and on and on...I don’t care if it seems immature to defriend/unfollow someone. This is your

Seconded. Gotta take turns to get anything actually going.