
Seconded. Please, let us see it.

It’s used in couples therapy? Hmm. Maybe I need to get some haha.

Yeah I too am struggling with my feelings of empathy for her being groped in a nonconsensual manner and respect for how she handled it with how much I just really don’t like her. Which started off with that song, purely for spectacle. Ugh.


light-blue jeans with giant holes in the knees, exactly like the AE jeans I wore 10 years ago in high school...has this style come back, or just never left? I no longer do fashion.

I’m reading my first Murakami novel (1Q84, and it’s INCREDIBLE) and was just about to look this up because it’s one of the only Japanese words that doesn’t seem to have a single English word definition, and so they write “tatami.” Thank you for explaining this, and the culture around it, so well. Time to get back to

At my wedding, my sister’s boyfriend, who was in the wedding party, said to my husband while all the dudes were getting ready: “wouldn’t it be hilarious if, like, 10 years from now we’re both broken up with them but you and I are best friends?”

Everything is Ross’ fault, he is the worst.

If your husband looks like Agent Cooper...well done.

Yes. She’s terrifying because she’s so real.

Yeah. Heading to the roof with my fernet.

Very true. In my experience the men who use the term KNOW they’re not that confident and powerful...like my dick landlord who’s an assertive asshole in all our communications, and whenever he caves to my reasonable demands pulls weird power plays and makes me sign dumb “contracts” about it...but in the end is giving

I mean yeah, it’s not necessary, but useful to describe dog’s behavior in terms of their general aggression or submission to other dogs. But we could definitely get rid of the term all together and be fine.

I LOVE a good man bun. I don’t know what it is but they always get to me.

Agreed. The term should be exclusively used for stuff like describing dogs’ behavior - it really does not apply to human men anymore.

When I worked in tech support, this gif was in many emails to other people in tech support.

As someone with a broken dominant thumb, I agree. Thumbs are the fucking best. Especially when they’re working properly. I think of poor dumb dogs with their lame “thumbs” all the time. Suckers.

My dad’s miniature pinscher, who is all of 8 lbs, kills squirrels all the time. I don’t get how she does it :(

Pit bulls have the most incredible jaw strength (FYI locking jaw = myth, it’s just really really strong). My younger pitbull could probably do this, launch up to a branch and hold himself there for a while with just his teeth and jaws. All while my older snoozes on a blanket being like “OK cool, show off. No one

My roommate junior year had one. Best dogs ever. Perfect blend of chill and active. I miss him :(