
My partner of 5 years is a chef. I know, #blessed. We met senior year of college and every Thursday I’d go to his place and he’d make an incredible dinner and we’d bone the night away. One night, after a delicious winter meal of Mexican pozole with sides of jalapeño pepper salsa and guacamole, we got down to business.

My partner of 5 years is a chef. I know, #blessed. We met senior year of college and every Thursday I’d go to his place and he’d make an incredible dinner and we’d bone the night away. One night, after a delicious winter meal of Mexican pozole with sides of jalapeño pepper salsa and guacamole, we got down to business.

I would only eat the most natural, all-organic brains of people who didn't eat GMOs. So maybe the people to work at the local co-op. I can't have unnatural things polluting my holy undead body.

Dayuuuum. Yes they did. In all fairness, I can see how my post came off as he's not into poly = he needs therapy to change for me. That's not it though. He needs therapy because he's got a lot of confidence issues and has trouble trusting that I love him deeply. Overall there's just a lot going on. And this plays into

Good for you. I'm so hoping to get there at some point with my husband, but right now, I'm pretty sure he'd think my even bringing it up would be code for me wanting a divorce. He has confidence issues and just the one time I admitted to being attracted to other men really hurt him. And he's just not into other

I totally feel you on the jealousy thing. Sometimes I'm pretty sure my #1 motivation for getting pregnant would be all the "OMG!!!!!!!" attention I would get when I announced it. But then I think about the looooooong after-effects of said pregnancy (namely, having a child) and am like, eh, yeah, no. But like I said, I

1. Your Marxist perspective doesn't change anything. Oppression isn't a contest. The end. The "peanuts" you speak of aren't a limited resource - the man who stopped the lesbian kiss doesn't have a finite amount of times he can see people kissing without stopping them, and he just HAD to stop this one, because his

I work in high-needs schools. They are typically not the nicest buildings. Two years ago I was at a not-nice school buildings for a meeting, and we hall had our chairs pulled into a circle (so no table in front of me) and I took a sip from my water bottle and then put it on the floor, without the cap back on. A minute


1. Oppression and who has it worse is not a contest.

Oh, Wisconsin, we are just really WINNING right now. We've got Scott Walker, another fresh incident of a black teen being murdered by a white cop, and now this! Yes it's a great time to be a Wisconsinite.

They are definitely out there, so don't settle for one who's not willing to stick with you through depression! My now husband got to enjoy my first period of depression ever, after we'd been together for about a year and a half and had been engaged for a few months. I spent all winter completely miserable and not even

Yeah that is soooooo messed up. By your wedding day it's done, it's over, whatever state you're in is what you're going to look like in your photos and not eating will only make you appear more drunk because you will be more drunk.

Ugh, I used the The Knot to learn some wedding basics since I was never the sort to think about it at all until it was a reality, and then the stupid Knot tried to get me to do The Nest and it was like CHRIST, PEOPLE, I just spend like 5 grand which was everything I had on my stupid wedding, how the hell am I supposed

Just like how white people have made big butts cool (thanks so much for discovering them for the world, Meghan Trainor) now this. Cool how the lives and experiences of generations of non-white people are once again being erased. So, so, so cool.


Oh yeah, I am TOTALLY sniffing all sorts of weird things since I saw that, being all "someday...someday I'll be able to sniff a glass of wine and say with confidence "ahhh yes I've got cherries, currants and dark chocolate, I'm getting wet wool and old potatoes and *sniiiiif* burnt hair and just-thawed lake water and

Ahh yes, that unmistakable smell. I wonder if sommeliers sniff many grandmother's handbags or if just one will do for their education?

I was going to put up a "Derelict" reference if someone else hadn't. Thank you.

Haha nice! My partner and I now always claim to taste "fresh tennis balls" in our wine.