You‘re a fucking clown.
You‘re a fucking clown.
The piece you’re missing revolves around a not insignificant portion of his fan base going full fucking Pizzagate over this shit—which should tell you a lot about that portion of the fanbase, and something about the man who caters to their whims.
So the next time this dude claims sincerity, we’re just supposed to buy it wholesale, right?
Real courage of your convictions there, Pewds.
Well she's about to have a Bizarre Adventure.
It’s a goddamned joke, dude. Just like my other joke about the queues. It’s all just observational humor at the fact that Blizzard is dealing with all the same issues they did with the original launch.
Wow, it really is just like launch.
Ah I see the script kiddies got bored and are in need of attention.
Question, ever grew up in the 80s? 90s? Ever see cartoons where there’s a group of 5 people and it would be like all dudes and there’s 1 girl? And that 1 girl was JUST the girl. She’d have an episode where she was able to do ‘cool things’ but for the most part, she was regulated to ‘girl’. Now those shows were aimed…
Wow. You lost me when you literally didn’t read the person say she was an “artist, queer POC ...” and suggested she was part of the “woke white assholes.” Clearly you’re operating on some other level of prejudice here, and I hope you work those issues out.
This. She can probably get an annulment. Another major red flag: he wants them to try for a kid now? When he complains about her uselessness and lack of funds? Wow.
She’s worried that he’ll become abusive, and he’s already displayed several of the typical warning signs. Ignoring their instincts on stuff like this is how women get killed. That sounds extreme but it’s true. She doesn’t owe it to him to put her safety at risk while he figures out how to handle his issues in a more…
he screams at her until she cries. she doesn't owe him shit.
Yikes that first one. Idk man, this may be an unpopular opinion but people please don’t jump into marriage so fast. Live together at least a year or two to really get enough time to learn how you two are together after the newness/excitement or honeymoon period simmers down. You never really know a person until you…
Loved it and Shop Til You Drop back-to-back every night on Lifetime.
I am more excited for this than I have any right to be.
We know what you’re getting at, but nice try, chucklefuck right winger
And now your being a dick by misgendering. Good job.
The hell makes you think I care about how much hardware Nintendo sells? This could crash and burn and I wouldn’t give two damns.
[huddles under desk]