
Today’s lesson:

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

President Obama’s “health care for all” law was officially called the “Affordable Care Act” but has been nicknamed Obamacare in honor of its champion.

Good god when did the country get so stupid?

Nah, that was a result of us being so stupid. You’re thinking of November 7th, 2000 at the absolute latest.

We are talking about the people Facebooking and Tweeting him being imbeciles. There is no Trumpcare. It is Obamacare. He is trolling these people into visiting the website, signing up, and seeing that the program isn’t the work of the devil like they have been propagandized too. But they all think it is this amazing

Good god when did the country get so stupid?

Actually in this case neither. You get what Kimmel was doing right?

This is gold, nothing tops letting imbeciles make imbeciles of themselves in public.

I suppose this will fool the same sort of idiot who thinks that Obamacare was a failure so Congress stepped in and replaced it with the ACA. Of which there are many.

Fuck that bullshit. That is a bald defence of stump-fucking ignorance, and we (Americans) need no help in that regard.

Right. And people are apparently fine with changing meaning, in this case, based on a fringe of a fringe.

Many Muslims say this phrase every morning and evening during prayer. It’s like saying “Amen.”

And, of course, the Orthodox Fundamentalist Faction of the Nintendo Faithful are out in force, defending this, already.

Well, I found my new answer to the question: “Death challenges you to a game for your soul. What do you pick?”

Man, fuck them for ruining “kek”. It was the goddamned translation of “lol” in World of Warcraft, and they ruined it.

Seems like you haven’t been there lately.

Starred just for the use of “backpfeifengesicht”.

But is it for the better? Or worse?