I'm also thinking about if she were to have a heart incident and need to open up her chest. That middle tit would sooooo be in the way of the sternum, and how would you cut around it?!
I'm also thinking about if she were to have a heart incident and need to open up her chest. That middle tit would sooooo be in the way of the sternum, and how would you cut around it?!
Princess Diana and I were tenth cousins. Unfortunately, that same line also produced Mitt Romney, to whom I am even more closely related. Barf.
Poor Kate. Pregnancy sounds like it is just not kind to her. I'm also surprised they're announcing it this early, but maybe they figured people would notice since she's so sick.
I hate you.
Eggs are a very common ingredient in lasagne, it helps the ricotta mixture bind. I use one egg per batch.
Meanwhile, the mold in the house is calling up and getting quotes for a Kardashian removal service.
I've developed a line of hot pepper + fruit jams. One of my biggest hits is strawberry+habanero.
That second set of footprints? Dog the Bounty Hunter's. He is always with you.
Yes, something I noticed on my recent rewatch of Buffy was how much she truly struggled with her classes. Slaying took up so much of her time, she was always falling asleep in class, bombing tests, etc. There was a really great acknowledgment that Buffy only had 24 hours in the day like everyone else, and being a…
I like your sister.
My very angry sister would like me to note, publicly, that there is totally class in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I agree that what is going on there is fucking appalling, but this is Dirtbag. This is where people come to take a break from the actual scary shit going on in the world. Best part? No one forces you to read it, or comment on it.
I don't think any amount of looks could fix that shitty of a personality.
Dude, seriously? I hope your own looks make up for your personality.
You must be a great looking fella. Good for you.
What. Where do you get one of those?
I believe Lindy asked for photos?
Damn it. Now I want mozzarella sticks.