Oooh, that knock! I love it! Gives me chills. And yes, sexy.
Oooh, that knock! I love it! Gives me chills. And yes, sexy.
Yeah, I don't think they should be OTC. They can mess up your hormones if not taken properly, and cause serious side effects. Not to mention that a lot of people don't take them correctly as-is, imagine if no one had a dr visit to initially go over them and how to reduce failures.
If you have a planned parenthood in your area, I recommend them.
I'm starting substituting in a few weeks and I'm nervous. Any tips? I'm mostly nervous on how to keep order from the beginning and make them know right off the bat that I won't allow any shenanigans, while not coming off like a bitch.
is that a 'douche' reference? It took me a second so I want to make sure.
Pretend the I isn't there. "Derks", pretty much.
That was supposed to be "hashtag rednecklife", but on the plus side I just accidentally learned the code to make text bold.
I like to dip my bacon egg and cheese lean pockets in it, and potato chips :)
Me too. I go through the largest thing of Heinz in like 3-4 wks by myself.
A "Dierks Bentley" is one of my favorite country singers who I have seen twice. And by "seen twice" I mean, saw one time fully and then got kicked out of the second concert after like 4 songs bc I was mouthing off to the asshole security guards who tried to steal my phone after I taped them beating up my friend for no…
Appropriate since B&J's Stephen Colberts Americone Dream is my fav flavor!
Idk about oysters, but Stephen Colberts Americone Dream is my FAV!!
I live very close to Corning NY, where Corning Incorporated was founded and later invented Pyrex. I love me some Pyrex, most of what we have is the cool 60's and 70's nesting mixing bowls.
The thing is that when I comes to pain pills, addiction is very easily created, even on accident and involving patients with a low tolerance for addiction. Opiates change your brains transmitters so quickly that a lot of people don't know they are addicted until its too late. As easy as it is to become addicted to…
Heehee :) no one else said anything so I didn't know if I was the only one who noticed.
I'm thinking the mouthwash photo is a joke? Looks like a liquor bottle w a listerine sticker on it. I wonder if the author noticed...
I watched it for the first time ever last night, just because I heard he was a douche and that one of the girls was gonna give it to him straight. That girl (Andi?) seems like someone I would most definitely want to be friends with.
That's why I loved how Jessica Simpson stayed a virgin before marriage. Stayed pure that whole time, only to get a divorce. Now she has 2 kids and isn't married yet. Guess she realized that whole virginity thing was kinda ridic.
I have greasy hair and have started the "no poo" method. You should try it! You shampoo with baking soda water and it cleans while allowing your hair to find its own natural homeostasis. Store bought shampoo can make your hair even greasier. It's working so far for me.