
She didn’t post her ‘grievances’ immediately though. Or was Bayonetta 3 made in a mere month?

Just like how everyone defended the Bionetta VA Hellena when that whole debacle started?

So, Everyone’s still gonna blame the big companies, even after the whole Bayonetta 3 debacle less than a month ago?

The gamecube’s prices were cut because, even though I thought everyone loved the gamecube at the time, it sold like shit.

Leber probably never played any games (released before Steam) that required you to put the Game’s disc in to even start.

perhaps a rando on twitter mentioned it?

I doubt the brittish pound was double the us dollar only 2 years ago.

James, dat u?

“The PS5 has argued in its own filings to Brazil’s government..”

Are you confusing him with Gene Wilder?

Because Bloodborne is a Sony IP, and it was co-developed with, I don’t know, Sony Japan!?

I work for a printer and press company, and we hate cutting corners... well, we love cutting ‘certain’ corners XD

That does explain the lack of updates for the past 3 days.

Both on Kotaku, Polygon and in interviews with the producer of BotW.
Because of the lack of title for botw2, it gets harder to actually find an aarticle about it

The Game’s director has even said that in a Nintendo Direct I believe. At least I’m sure Kotaku has written about it too.

It’s obvious its going to work in Elden Ring if the exploit worked on all three Souls games that has multiplayer. If Sekiro had any online functionality, its servers would clearly had been taken down too.

I have to say that you’re quite gullible if you think that’s going to happen. Did MS clean out house when they bought up Zenimax/Bethesda? Zenimax’ lawsuit-happy staff is still around pissing on people for just thinking of words Bethesda “own”.

Games on cartidges has always been expensive. That’s the reason why the PS1 and PS2 were such smash hits, because pressing a CD and DVD was FAR CHEAPER than having to create a cartridge.

A Viking game without anything Ragnarök related isn’t a Viking game, whether or not “its the same year a new GoW game with a similar subtitle” is released or not.

The British are very happy to scream “Nonce” at anything that has a dick