
If the PS5 can play DVD movies, then PS2 disc should still be readable. However, could the Ps4 play Audio-CDs?

Modern Vintage Gamer apparently believes it’s going to be emulated. PS1 has always had an working emulator since the early PS3 days. PS2 is somewhat murkier as it has only been a handful games converted to a PS3-able format (even on the PS4). But MVH thinks that the PS5 might be able to emulate the PS3... but I do

Propably tried playing Dark Souls 2 or 3 on a PC, where the game is set to default to wait for a 2nd mouseclick, hence the “lag” mouse n keyboard users feel.

I tried giving Dragon’s Dogma a go, but after 2 hours playing it, I felt very unimpressed. This also BEFORE the Dark Arisen(?) DLC came out, and I’ve heard a lot of people say that DLC helped revitalize the game.

The only reason I have more than 200 hours on Skyrim is because I had fun playing around with all the mods you could d/l and install. The story itself? not so much.

2001 called and wants it statement back.

Ironically, id Software used to be owned by Activision

Or the removal of mods for the older games because of said remaster

You complain about the Goblin copy paste, but while I havent booted up the images in gimp yet, but im pretty sure at least two of those arms are copy pasted as well

Kinda reminds me of when Rhapsody, an Epic/Symphonic Metal band from Italy changed their name from “Rhapsody” to “Rhapsody of Fire” of Realmedia’s Rhapsody service, even though the band had their name longer than the service.

Wouldn’t Taz or whathisnamewas be better as that Eminem-loolalike enemy from the sky people(?) arc?

I mostly only remember him from Langoleers

That’s something even the TV and movie industry sometimes fail at... Maybe not at the same rate as video games, but it happens there as well.

Just so you know, there is an anime called Overlord as well.

You mean “Legacy of Kain” Amy Henning? I do not know this Uncharted Amy

I was never a N64 fan, and the Genesis/Mega Drive collection doesn’t have Wonder boy. So no upgrade for me.

I wonder if it has a setting to turn of the PS1 yank? I prefer straight lines than the emulated PS1 texture processing ;P

I like Iron Man 2 as well, but I wouldnt say its better than the first movie (but better than the 3rd)

I’m not super sure now that I think about it. I don’t remember if the BLEEM! case was reverse-engineered or not. But from a more recent video I saw (from MVG no less), is that if you reverse-engineer, you need to rename all the commands and paremeters so they don’t appear the same as the original source (something I

Dead? He’s in jail, not dead. The supposed lover of his wife is dead.