
In comparison, these “few” developers have (or should have) full documentation on what makes the Switch and the N64 tick, while amatuers have to to reverse-engineer (the illegal way emulators work) or guess how the hardware interpitates the software (the legal way emulators work)

33 hours for a sandbox game is low though

As someone who lives in another country without a tipping “system,” fuck this company for trying this in Nippon

When it comes to the money Nintendo has, they are most definitely an AAA publisher

Can’t you see his huge grin? Sorry, I was looking at Alucard when I wrote that.

But they are closing it down, in the way that you can’t buy new games. But the PSN network’s shutdown is for the moment on hold at least.

While Sakamoto didnt have any producer roles for the Prime games, he sure as hell had them for Fusion, Zero Mission, Other M AND Dread. Knowing the reaction from Other M, I’m sure the reason why Ian is complaining about Samus being too roboticy (which she has been since the very first game TBH!) is because Sakamoto

Samus was portraied as as android before the first game, and one of the highest rated bounty hunters. That sounds kinda robotic (and even predates Doomguy. So Doomguy is a Samus with dick... that came out wrong)

I think this would be easy to verify if the former twitch staffers is just lying or not. a File wouldnt get a new timestamp if it wasn’t really updated.

So I’m forced to pay for a DLC to a Game I’m most likely not going to buy? Great plan Nintendo!

I don’t know if you’re being ironic or not. I can only find one, ONE instance of someone who thought he was acting shitty, and one who got attacked by his dog on set.

Considering you can only use this method to kill Kraid if you HAVE sequenced breaked the game, the developers knew very well it was possible.

I don’t know if someone’s mentioned it, but there is a second way that doesn’t need you to acquire the grapple beam. And that second way can be accomplished by doing either of two things. Getting hurt or doing the same kind of slide-jump you have to do to get the grapple beam in the first place. all you have to do is

Fuck I hate Kinja. why does it need to be so hard to find the original reply I want to reply to... anyways:

It is illegal unless you make the [backup-]ROM yourself. Download it, even though you own it? That’s the illegal part.

Sorry, but we people who aren’t brainwashed by Nintendo’s constant nagging about emulation is illegal don’t see it as that. You got the Sony vs BLEEM courtcase to thank for that.

Sorry what? Circle of The Moon and Dracula X doesn’t even get into my top 20 castlevania list... and Im pushing the SSB games in there just to put them even further back

And make the Samus vs Chief animation from mid 2000's a reality? eff yea!

I just replayed Fusion, and I got 48% in 2:45... you’re nuts!

You sound like me when it comes to the Witcher and NiOh games. I wanna give a 3 and bvoth Nioh a go, but my hands are too adjusted to how the Souls games work that I cant “unlearn”