
As a FROM fan, I can’t just delete Sekiro :(

So it can play SimCity2000 Win 95 version? nice!

Was he a bad drunk, or was he like this even when sober/not drinking?

I doubt Nintendo want to redo the Wii U fiasco. Whatever comes after Switch will clearly have a new name, unless they do go with Switch 2 (aka the PlayStation route)

How can Rockstar be greedy if it means less customers can access the next-gen content?

First, I knew that cracker was a slur in the states (I’m european btw, but not a Scot), which is why I made the joke at first. But for some reason I thought it was slur for asians, not white hobos from Georgia.

FIFA is still a fucking lottery. Not just the video game

Strange no one has canceled him for calling the other person a “fucking crackah”

I dont remember seeing any widgets on Windows 10 1909, and I’m currently on 20h1

No, a Discord server isn’t a “channel”, as it tries to emulate how IRC worked. No, Discord is more like reddit, where the main reddit page has nothing, and the subreddit has all the content, and each thread there is then like a channel.

If that was true, the companies would’ve stopped AGES ago. Either that, or the DRM companies are good sellers

So, many of them are gitting gud at Dark Soulst then?

I doubt the japanese had a pun for the mecha’s, if they used the romanized version of Digger, Diggah is what it would’ve become.

I guess it’s time to ban every word that is one letter away from a bad word... Has anyone told most of western europe that their use of the word Negro is bad?

I doubt my addiction to porn helps that notion to settle down XD

And before Microsoft bought it as well


After hearing the song for the first time, no, that’s not a bad song at all.

Sorry, I never recall having asked for a 4k version, ever. and I have a 4k Tv. Any upgrades that makes 4k feesible is better off being dedicated to better framerates at 1080p instead THANK you Bery much

Well, its not the first time They’ve (Mercurysteam) done this. Castlevania LoS: Mirrors of Fate, originally on 3DS, did get an HD update and plays very nicely on a budget to mid-high tear PC from. Although the original PS3 HD update was probably worse than the original 3DS version.