
be glad it’s only 90 USD in total. I have to pay the equivalent of 120 USD because Sony wont establish a new main HQ in Europe after Brexit

But that’s not how stores work?

MJD supposedly got around the TPM requirement in the leaked W11 build by using a file from the windows 10 installer. Will it work for any proper W11 releases too?

*cough* watch_dog *cough*


Even if I could see them a mile away,  I will still find a way to touch them >_<

Quake 3? XD

I tried giving Vesperia a 2nd go on the Switch and I feel like I really suck at the game (I was getting my ass handed to me in the bloody tutorial fight... and I used to like Vesperia >_<)

I didn’t got the time to read through the article properly and so only skimmed through bits of it.

if Zelda 2 comes with a re-translation, maybe more people will get into it properly?

Wasn’t Dread Metroid Fusion’s worktitle?

id Software comes to mind? Similar to what Alexandra said, id Software also started as a application developing company

2) <- Dark Souls 3 was already a bit faster than the earlier Souls games

I might be mediocre at dark souls games myself, but by god do i still love playing them

Where was this when We didn’t want to kill Sif in Dark Souls 1? :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Scores does as they’re advertised (I pun!)

I’d rather dream about a Metroid game thank u bery much

“The rest of Rigney’s response stated that the development team is small and that cosmetic skins are tougher to make than the public realizes, with lots of behind-the-scenes work involved, including ideation and a QA process.”

It’s at least not FF12 limited.

Let’s see if they can find it before Apple takes it down for copyright infrigment (it looks identical to the one on the iPhone products)