
I don’t know how much they’re losing on the consoles, but I dont think Nintendo has ever cut any loss on each console they’ve sold

You mean the scalping paid for those games :P

Wait. How is the login to PS5 different from login into a webbrowser or a PS4, PSvita, Ps3 and PSP?

U-ri and Yu-n aren’t remotly the same, and that’s not something they could “magically” change when writting the name in romaji.

If I remember correctly, they expected a series that mostly sold around 1-2 million through their lifetime to sell 5 at the launch window. And that game did end up selling a few more million than that during its lifetime.

Sure, I was in my late teens when the movie came on TV, but fuck you, I liked it!

It could also have meant that the demand his area/store wasn’t as high as the rest of the world (ha!), but that depends on the original japanese text

Well, Nintendo and Koei’s other endeavor (although it was mostly with Tecmo), Metroid Other M was a mess too (and most of that fault hangs on a certain someone over at Nintendo, and not Team Ninja.

How big is A.C. Slater atm?

Couldn’t he just Nin-Inch Nail it up and ask his fans to PIRATE it instead of watching it on a (paid) streaming service?

Yeah, the Multiplayer arena was added with the Artorius of the Abyss expansion. I know since I played the game on PS3 long before there were any known plans of a DLC/PC Port

But what does the Winchester brother’s think about their dear old friend switching career?

I’d rather want to know if it’s plays like a souls game or someone trying to make a better “lords of the fallen” clone, because every video I see, I get the later :(

I think Bullseye’d want to have a word with you :P

Was that the time he got everyone to laught at the name “fanny”?

Emulators of older consoles did it so people could play multiplayer “on the same console”, which is ofc far from what this tried to do.

They didn’t make it free though, and their “free services” costs more than Nintendo’s own

Who cares, it can’t be used on an european account anyways :(

Who cares, it can’t be used on an european account anyways :(

If this removes Funanimation’s friggin geoblocking, I’m all for it

Xenoblade X was a fan favorite? The only thing I remember from that was the backlash or dislike (from both ailes) when it came the Boob slide