
If korea actually made them more money, wouldn’t it be more fitting that the DLC was focusing on Korean culture instead of Japanese?

I think the korean were more offended at bowing to a specific Japanese shrine, rather than bowing to a shrine at all

I know that slavery is bad, but what did it have to do with bowing in front of a shrine, other than some shit Japanese people in the late to mid 1800 and 1900's forced people to bow to them? This is literally saying that the OK hand sign is banned because some american idiots used a variation of it a their own. Maybe

I’m a gamer, and I find her very attractive and now I wont have a shoot in hell at (dating) her, but I’d sure as hell wouldnt flaunt around my sad dick for it. Not every sad male gamer is an incel

as a Sony Xperia Z5 user, I can say that connecting a mouse or keyboard DID NOT work :(

Last time I checked the 3DS digital store is very much alive. It’s the Wii and Wii U stores that are closed or being closed down.

I liked Dark Souls 2 better than Dark Souls 1 as well, but that was BEFORE the First Sin release. They changed too much if you ask me, and so I stopped playing it after about 3 hours...


Or he might’ve suggestion Travis from GTa5?

Do any one even like 2 Pairs of Dank Soles? except for the DLCs? :P

In before Nintendo tries to sue the like the Lego Company tried to sue a danish family with the surname of Lego? If I remember correctly, Lego as a surname is just about as old as the Lego brand itself

Now she can use the Mew2 hash-tag? :P

“...people installing malware and/or bricking their device.”

Like Phil Fish?

Wait, didnt Jean Claude van Damme do something similar?

I thought it was Miyamoto who was against Zelda 2, since it was helmed by another producer (since Miyamoto was busy with other games)

TBH, Nintendo and many other game compnaies not called EA still has the same philosophy. I would’ve KILLED Eidos (or Square Enix now) to see them finish up the Kain ‘s Legacy in the Blood Omen games...

Why didn’t you have a star yet? :(

But Tales of Beseria’s move sets aren’t that deep are they? In comparison to older tales games, you loose the ability to jump, but have all the four face buttons for attacks that you can set to the default one the gmes leave you at, or let the “character” decide what action to make. Sure, using the more special arts

Care to explain how Disney owned the rights to someone’s voice then? :P