
I’ve never had a adopting did, what’s that? :P

I’ve said it trice already... move or order one from Sweden if you want to guarantee one...

“why I used g2a that one time?” Because it took almost an eternity for Gearbox to release the “Handsome collection” on PC. Buying the 2 games with all the same content on Steam would’ve cost me 250$ at the time I wanted to get the same amount of content the Playstation and Xbox users got.

considering that Nintndo and Square haven’t made a follow up to the original Mario RPG, or any of the exclusive characters from the game haven’t appeared in other games (excluding easter eggs perhaps?), I doubt that.

I haven’t enjoyed a GTA game since GTA2, so I don’t intend to change that. Also, its EGS. The onyl game I intend to have on there is Shadow Complex

Electronic Arts wasn’t always hated. Just saying.

Let us just wait until the day Fortnite stops being profitable. Then we’ll see if they really are any different from the likes of Steam or not.

But Shenmue 3 isn’t a “Sega” game this time around?

Does this mean Metroid will get more love for its 35th that it’s 30th didnt get?

I may or maynot have RS settings on. I dont remember :P

I got a Nvidia GTX 950 2GB (although the OC version, but I never go above “gaming” settings, which is 105%) and I rarelly go below 45FPS on 1060p LOW settings
These are my hardware info:

but people gotta fap to paper :(

if they remove Lost Forest from the soundtrack, head’s gonna roll

Corona is one more reason why Disney+ should start streaming to more countries..,

I do know that D3 was the same team as NieR. the D2 Wiki doesn’t list Okabe or anyone esle that I think worked on Nier, D3 and Nier:A

While we’re on the topic of Keiichi Okabe, is the Drakengard soundtracks as good as the NieR ones? 

Probably more than people who say they have played Decay and Alien mode :P

“Listen here you little shit! You’ll stay put while I give Mr Resetti a call and have you deported back to the starting area with minus 901 seeds instead”

That’s funny... Java script is always turned on my TOR, and I haven’t tried to change any settings at all (and that’s been like that for more than 1½ years)

If I had a working controller, I would’ve popped the game in and give a go.