I hope this goes well so I can see a Quake 2 for the N64 ported to PC as well
I hope this goes well so I can see a Quake 2 for the N64 ported to PC as well
I still feel that the Souls games does a much better job at that
Never mind. Just googled it and found out that you can exploit a glitch so you can use the two statues in Hateno(?) village
Wait? Is that game hacked? Because you can’t have all Heart containers as well as have all 3 full stamina wheels. If he had 3 full stamina wheels, at least two of his heart containers should be yellow (and I presume the same is true for the stamina wheel if you have all heart containers instead)
I haven’t played D3 on PC for quite a while, but I dont think the game is hardcoded when it comes to the buttons. I think Blizz allowed to remap a bunch of keys (or even all?).
“... as well as rebinding the primary skill from left mouse click to the keyboard.” I thought you could already do that?
They don’t play the game because it’s a soccer game. They play FIFA for the teams and likeness of the soccer players
more toxic than actual football fans in the UK? :)
Giving me a reason to start using my 8bit superfami/euro-snes controller again then :)
No, the trailer within Switch only states Filter and unfiltered. So you most likely only get Super Eagle/2xSal or whatever screen ratio the GBA/DS had
I checked it up, it seems like the she’s still around and not cock-blocked by the lawsuit
Jim doesn’t need clicks, as he has patreon. Most of his ad-revenue gets taken by Nintendo
A Swede here. Can confirm that I loved watching these 2 hit each other :)
It looked original until I actually started it. It’s story is based on Dragon Quest 5 but does diverge from it a little (to my knowledge since I havent really touch a DQ game and just read the stories throu wiki’s)
Why do everyone keep thinking mushroom == drugs. In a show that about sex, what’s more likely to be referenced as a mushroom?
Ys music still doesn’t get the recognition it deserves I see...
I see that I was meant to write “only plays WiiU games”, since you mentioned the Switch
Achtually... Guerrilla games own the Horizon Zero Dawn franchise from what I can see, so they could’ve technically releases it on other consoles from the get go
But CEMU plays WiiU games, correct?
The Original Fate? The H-bit took up about 5% of that game if I remember correctly... Heck, I got the game to see that, and I remember being disappointed at the content