All of Florida would be in trouble...
All of Florida would be in trouble...
Driving in high heels should be illegal. You have so little control over how far down you’ve pushed the pedal. Seems like it should be do-able, totally isn’t. I tried it exactly once and pulled over so I could get those f’ing shoes off before I killed myself.
Here in Brazil - also known as land of the flip-flop - it’s illegal to wear them while driving. There were PSA’s on TV about it. Barefoot OK, shoes OK, flip-flops a no-no. Dangerous, as they are loose and can get tangled with pedals etc.
I don't think life in prison is appropriate, but jail time needs to be involved. The ultimate goal of swatting is to get somebody killed, and that needs to have real consequences.
Except this one, the swatter tried to escalate things even further with the "Clear the area, someone has a gun!" bit. They wanted someone shot/killed.
Imprisoning them would cost the taxpayer even more money, just fine them for the cost of the operation, which probably gets into the 10s of thousands of dollars.
I just spent two hours playing Final Fantasy XV, which I can confirm is a real video game that actually exists. The good news: it's brilliant in a lot of ways, and from what I've played so far, it really does feel like a Final Fantasy game. The bad news? Well, it's got some serious technical issues, and I'm worried…
Because people thought the documentary was real. After all, Discovery is an educational channel! Plus, the program had a thing about how the government was covering up the existence of mermaids, (which is so fucking stupid, everyone knows it's the oil companies doing that) and they had a fake website set up to make it…
It's so weird, that combination of complete cynicism and complete faith. Nope, can't trust Wikipedia. Yep, can totally believe in mermaids.
My friend and her husband watched that. I got, "Holy shit!" texts. I responded with varying forms of, "Uhhh. That is fake AF." She answered those with, "I don't know, this is pretty convincing!"
This came to mind for me as well. Should someone die during the SWAT'ing, I'd say to make it a murder charge. A pre-meditated one at that, with conspiracy charges for the twits trying to keep them on the stream until it goes down.
I'd just be satisfied if they had to pay back the cost to the taxpayers.
Cool. Well, next time someone calls 911 and says they have a semi automatic rifle they used to kill their wife and they want to kill again, we'll just call you and you can go knock on the door and ask him about his feelings. Police are people, too. They have families at home. They're doing a job. The point of a…
Nope, sorry, you're absolutely wrong here. Domestic disturbance calls involving armed males are the most hazardous ones to law enforcement. Every time a cop responds to a call involving an armed guy who has become violent and angry, the cop is putting his life on the line. The cops did everything 1oo% correctly here.…
What would have happened if they had a dog in the house. It might have charged the officers to protect the family and most likely been shot. The owners might have made a move towards their pet and that could have been taken as an attempt to attack the officer. It all could have escalated very quickly, and all for a…
Agreed. Using armed police to swarm somebody's house is every bit as potentially deadly as trying to run them over with your vehicle, and in those cases, the vehicle is considered a deadly weapon. If not attempted murder, then assault with a deadly weapon at the very least, because this shit is life threatening.
HAHAHAHAHHA, that was one of the funniest posts in a long time.