
How much of that money could go to getting actual citizens back on their feet to be productive members of society? Like Puerto Rico, hurricane victims in Texas and Florida, California and much of the West which have been spending massive amounts of money fighting fires, and so forth. But we will spend billions on a

Not sure about senility. What does a narcissist look like when they begin to be affected by dementia?

Yeah. That was my reaction to the birthmark thing.
God forbid the woman actually turns out to be a 1 in terms of weight or hair loss or something. Then she would actually be unlovable.

Just about the while state of Montana is tinder right now, with Stage II restrictions in place. No fire, except in developed campground in camp stoves. It’s also prohibited to drive down the road with a chain or idle on grass, and regular folks are enforcing this.
We had a young firefighter die fighting a fire near

I do have to point out that while I think “racist asshole“ I try very hard to be as polite as I can be. I don’t go around calling people “asshole”. It’s uncivil. But I did say racist, because it’s technically true. I know of no other word that is more precisely accurate. It’s not a slur, it’s the unvarnished truth.

The few times I’ve called people out who shoot such b.s. to their faces, I get stunned reactions. Maybe it is me being rude, but after a full conversation with a guy who after saying Blacks were genetically inferior (and my pointing out that the people of the continent of Africa are more genetically diverse than those

Is the President beckoning the cancer monster into his boudoir?

Completely smooth, uncalloused, unweathered. Amazing! Like they’ve never been taken out of the box!

Vaccines don’t provide 100% foolproof immunity to an immunized person. I’m immunized against rubella, but if I’m around enough people with the disease, there’s a chance I’ll still catch it, which would be absolutely tragic news if I were pregnant and didn’t know it yet. And the effects are usually only severe for the

It does seem incredibly stupid, doesn’t it? ToOr force people to choose between breaking the law or voting for an unqualified president.

ONLY ONE thing needs to be done: vote in the midterms. Make it clear you’ll be voting in the midterms. We will ALL be voting in the mid-terms. And we can see who supported putting this person into office over the wellbeing of this country. We got here because people didn’t participate as voters—doing the necessary

I cannot give you enough stars.

I just don’t get why Republicans swept Congress with a majority coming into this, and abysmal approval ratings. They probably looked at that and said “ I can do whatever I want!” because there was no blowback down ticket. There wasn’t even blowback up ticket. And the protests are focused on Trump. The protests need to

I keep thinking about what it would look like if x had won.

That is SO not pc!

“This guy is prolly going to break skin.”
No. That chick totally did break skin.
The only males in ant society are street-fliers that the queen loans out to other queens to create the next gen. These sex workers mate so violently their sex organs explode and they die soon after the nuptial flight. The queens use them

Then why test at the residence at all? Why not test at the facility? Or at the midpoint?

I think nuclear is a good idea, but doesn’t current nuclear power generation require a lot of water for cooling and also turbine operation?

My thought exactly. I only wear heels on rare occasions, so I’m really not used to that spike coming out the bottom of my heel. I tried driving with heels on once and it kept catching on the floorboard. Plus the inability to press down the pedals normally.

You can buy little slippers to put in your clutch to wear when

Perhaps this is exactly why there’s so many car accidents in Florida.