Kasei Vallis

So the dev with a history of “over-promise, under-deliver” uses the service abused by devs looking to make money off unfinished games. What could possibly go wrong? Now, every complaint about things that don’t work can be responded to with “Early Access”.

Played a few hours on PS4. Only one random crash, but the load times are either decent or terrible. They range from 30~ seconds to several minutes, and no logical reason for either. I’ve had both while loading the same region after assaulting some base with air strikes. Really hoping they can sort that out. It kills

I have 60 hours in with Fallout 4, at least that many in Witcher 3. Maybe 20 or so in MGS V and at least 40 hours in Mad Max. And I still bought both AC Syndicate and Just Cause 3 this last week. Open worlds are a drug and I am an addict through and through. Just need to finish one of them before next spring.

This is very interesting. It will sadly put an end to the Steam phenomenon of what I call a Glitch sale, which is what happens when the person updating the sale screws it up and lists a game for much higher than the publisher intended and lasts until they and Steam catch and fix the price. It tends to happen during

Sadly, only within the crafting range of the settlement, but I found that smaller items like boxes and tires can be picked up and dragged into range. Bigger items are sadly embedded and can’t be pulled. Not sure, but I would guess that even a strong/power armor wouldn’t change that as it’s more of an engine limitation

I’m hoping a mod comes out soon that will let you do this exact thing. If every part of a gun is basically interchangeable within it’s initial caliber/frame, it should be a simple thing to let you take them apart into every mod part.

Guessing that the online availability may be hit or miss. I was just able to order one online with a delivery date of 11/16. I also got to use a $5 code and ended up around $61 total.

Guessing that the online availability may be hit or miss. I was just able to order one online with a delivery date

My wife, an RN for the last 14 years in a med-surgical unit, could fill an entire week’s thread with stories just like these. You would think people in health care would get an occasional moment of real appreciation from patients or their families.

That Fallout guide looks nice, but it’s a pretty hefty markup for a handful of magnets, a bottle opener and a calendar. I will stick with the regular CE guide.

That Fallout guide looks nice, but it’s a pretty hefty markup for a handful of magnets, a bottle opener and a

This is a guarantee given that they are not going to ever build one.

This bit even more aggravating when you consider that they could have included BL2 on a cartridge and saved all of that room on the memory card.

You want to play Fronthand Backhand?

While not restaurant or game stores, I had 3 years working a crap retail job for a recently bankrupted Texas-based electronics company. Had drug addicts, numerous random crap return attempts, corporate and managerial douche-baggery and threats of physical abuse.

What I don’t get is why they have a different classification system from pretty much everybody else. It causes them no amount of wasted time on both cook and wait staff, causes confusion for customers and no doubt lowers tips due to the hassle customers feel they have endured.

Well, maybe now it can be ported to PS4/XB1 in a couple years.

Getting an error with that extra 20% off code: Unable to add the voucher.

Getting an error with that extra 20% off code: Unable to add the voucher.

Did they not learn anything from this?

As a lowly grey, I did the only thing I can to have an effect. Flag his post.

It’s funny, as my weekend had me doing almost exactly the same quests as you. I also found Letho there and was surprised. What I also like is that you again have an option throughout that quest line. You can continue or walk away at several points and ultimately have the power of choice in where Letho ends up. I also