Well, we didn’t get that until right now. And now I can’t unsee it, god damn you.
Well, we didn’t get that until right now. And now I can’t unsee it, god damn you.
They’re holding on to them, hoping they’ll increase in humor.
Homeworld means so much to me. I grew up in a house where my parents believed videogames had about as much worth as heroine. My sister had a Gameboy but I’d never experienced a game with a real story, until Homeworld. From the opening cinematic and launch sequence set to Adagio for Strings. All the way to that…
I feel like gamers just have too many options nowadays. There’s a lot of bits of specific language in this review - checking your phone while watching the pre-duel cutscene, audibly sighing when cresting a hill and seeing more things to do, “The layer of Japanese aesthetics barely hides the fact that the world is just…
Thank you so much for the feature and kind words Luke! This made my day! Especially in light of what's going on in the world.
The timing of this release is just bang-on perfect for me too, it’s nice to have a little escapism from the anxiety of living in New York City while a deadly virus threatens a complete breakdown in civil order.
As long as we can customize the floral arrangements.
I’m really going to try to buy as few games as possible next year. In addition to trying to work through backlog, it’s time to admit that much of my backlog is impenetrable and I need to start downsizing my collection.
Yeah. As a fan of the games, this show was an absolute treat. Getting to see some of the stuff that’s not in the games but that are often referenced is just great. The only thing I want more of are like full on monster hunt episodes with Geralt using his immense knowledge to solve some mystery, maybe with some twists…
Only 3 episodes in, and I still haven’t decided how I feel about the show, but this song is catchy, and Jaskier was definitely a highlight in the early episodes.
There are two problems with Stadia.
It’s rare for people to experience Virgin a 2nd time.
- press Y to honk -
Truly this game went from Meh to Must Have because of your writing. Thank you.
Ok, I’ll bite, since noone else has posted this.
Probably came across it on an old workstation hard drive or a CD-R stuffed into an old desk or storage box. It’s kind of fascinating how such important information can be made to vanish in an instant, or become lost over time.
Turns out the source code was the friends we made along the way.
Yeah the AI in Break point is pretty terrible, I can usually wipe out a base in no time. I cleared a base once just by sneaking in, turning of the generator and planting a C4 bomb at the geny. Every single AI in the damn based all walked over to the generator like bees to honey to see why the power was off. I blew the…
Seconded. Don’t be mislead into thinking you need to play Dragon Quest Builders 1 first. That game is garbage. DQB2 is a super satifying and addictive game you will find yourself squeezing time in to play even if you probably shouldn’t.