I like that it's a replica of the set, not necessarily the residents. And though I watched most of that show as a kid, it occurs to me that I didn't realize they all lived there full time.
I like that it's a replica of the set, not necessarily the residents. And though I watched most of that show as a kid, it occurs to me that I didn't realize they all lived there full time.
The problem isn't that it's free, it's that to continue playing there's often no point at which you stop paying. To enjoy this game the way you'd want to would probably require an investment of way more money than simply purchasing similar FPS games on iOS.
On the exhibition floor the difference between people stopping a good cosplayer and people stopping a celebrity is massive. Even a B-rate celebrity can basically block an aisle until security starts demanding people m0ve.
That's a tiresome label. Commenting on a Kotaku article could be seen as attention whoring, as could anything that puts you in the public eye. We only really do things for two reason, for self-satisfaction or to signal something to others. Shaming someone for displaying their hobby in a public forum in a way that…
I got bullied a great deal when I was younger, but most of it went away when I actually got genuinely good at ignoring them. But that's the thing, it's incredibly hard to COMPLETELY ignore something like that, because even the tiniest acknowledgement of the bullying is viewed as success by a tormenter, which is why if…
The one that got to me was, "I will then wear her flesh and make you pay." If you're wearing the skin of someone's loved one, I'm going to call that PAID IN FULL no matter what. The phrasing suggests that this is all a prelude. It's overkill on top of hyperbole!
I'm amused by the false equivalency some people are making to boob jiggle. Guys are obsessed with their penises. Throughout history they've made shrines to their penises. There was a whole article on this very website about people drawing penises in games. I'm shocked there aren't more penis antics in games. Dudes are…
When I tried to play Bioshock Infinite like other shooters, taking cover and trying to be tactical, I'd die constantly. The method that actually worked well was charging forward like a maniac throwing out everything in my arsenal.
I actually played most of these episodes because I was apparently one of the 10 people who actually had a Gametap subscription and played their few exclusives.
**Minor Spoiler**
The game Syndicate has aged poorly for me. I spent a lot of time on it when I was in middle school. I loaded it up using DOS Box, and was stunned how primitive the gameplay actually was. There's just not a lot of depth to the actual combat, just the planning stage.
I hope it has some Assange-based powerups.
The most awkward game for me is Grand Theft Auto 4 on the PC. My XBOX controller is great for driving, the triggers make accelerating and breaking more precise, but I prefer the accuracy of the mouse and keyboard when I'm on foot. I've literally played sessions where I swap controls when I get out of the car.
Actually I found the ergonomics of both XBOX controllers to be pretty good, but I also have hands like a great ape. Seriously, at rest my hands look like two giant bushels of bananas.
I paid twice the amount for Remember Me that I did for Rogue Legacy, and so far I've received about 10 times the enjoyment from the cheaper title. I don't get whining about prices. Just determine at what price a game needs to be to have adequate value for you, and wait for it to hit that price point.
Our society does tend to grossly oversimplify mental illness, or make a joke out of it. People will casually refer to themselves as OCD because they like to organize their DVDs. It's ridiculously common for someone to dismiss their ex-girlfriend as crazy, when what they really mean is probably just impulsive.…
I love Neil Gaiman, but this just reminds me of the terrible games with Clive Barker's name on them. How much power a writer has over the nature of a game seems to vary pretty wildly. Years ago I was super excited by Harlan Ellison's I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream game until I actually saw it in action.
PRO-TIP: Ladies wear less clothes when the weather is warmer!
I'm going to have nightmares where everyone I encounter is Fahey face-mapped.
I had the same thought. I kept mentally highlighting chunks he could have excised from almost every sentence. But who has time to edit when they've written millions of words?