“Chris Headley hit directly on the Headley”
“Chris Headley hit directly on the Headley”
I wish I didn’t know this reference
This comment - 20/25
Jesus Christ at least put some fucking flip flops on!
We’ve got a regular Johnny Bench here
I’m pretty sure that’s a “kill” on Rex’s Fuck/Marry/Kill game
“That’s when the announcer’s quaaludes kicked in...”
This is the most fun “casual” distance race I’ve ever been a part of. Save for the fact that perfectly healthy people think they can run 10 miles with a week’s worth of training. Every time I’ve run this there’s always some late-20-something who drops and seizes right in front of me 2 miles in.
And as per usual, PK’s behavior is seen as “arrogant” and he needs to be humble. If it were Patrick Kane or any other white player of equal caliber they’d be seen as “youthful” and “full of energy”. Sports as usual.
The answer to all of these perplexing questions is...kissing titties
Is that 29 in Brett Favre years? He looks like he’s got some road miles on him.
I guess JEB! figures that people will finally clap at something.
He’s like a young bloated Tim Curry, with none of the appeal.
Riding a tandem bike is like driving a Winnebago. Sadly they don’t hold up like them.
“come quietly to the camp”
You could say he was a bit...
I’m pretty sure the Coyotes are going to threaten Glendale every year from now until they go the way of the Golden Seals
I can vouch. I was at one of the first Cubs v. Diamondbacks games and I’m pretty sure peoples’ heads exploded because they were all Cubs fans before the D’Backs came to town.
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