This is the single greatest observation this website has ever produced. But I dont mind telling you that its racist...baggy suit pants are a sacred tradition in African American culture.
Go to the Men's Wearhouse, Tracy. You'll like the way you look, I guarantee it.
Garanimals must have released an adult line
"Rampage" is a bit of a misleading word here. Her name is Pam.
He could have used some Buffalo Wings.
Florida lost to South Carolina 19-4 Saturday night,
'Who does Brent have' maybe one of my favorite signs ever.
I will laud Spys Like Us as a classic forever.
I wish I could say I had the same problem in my bedroom.
"Wells, who is four-foot-eleven and 80 lbs., woke up on the floor seconds later with no recollection of what had happened."
Magnum P.I.G.S.K.I.N.
Meanwhile, DeAndre Hopkins has no further comment on his least wanted photo on Facebook.