
"This is about Vogue, and what Vogue decides to do with a specific woman who has very publicly stated that she's fine just the way she is, and the world needs to get on board with that. Just how resistant is Vogue to that idea?"

I mean... you do realize the irony of saying this on this article, right? Here we have a man who is vicariously in the position of getting all the free sex he wants from straight men, and the whole experience left him so shaken that he had to quit just after 2 hours and decided to write a huge ass post about it on

I realize this makes me sound like an asshole, but I'm glad he got to deal with all that shit. I wish more guys tried it, for the simple learning experience.

There's a thriving mom table in the Jezebel cafeteria. We are all awesome. Don't worry.

Because 2 Broke Girls wasn't on at the time.

Don't feed them or comb their hair, guys.

Hey, white ladies: That thing, where Beyonce releases an album that not only champions feminism more directly than any other major record this year, but a profoundly intellectual and artistic album, and what you actually focus on is her naked black ass? Stop doing that. Black women have a long enough history of being

Dude. No. Don't be one of those respectability politics types who tries to pit different expressions of sexuality by BW against each other. You do know that Janelle Monae explicitly talks about the dangers of doing EXACTLY THAT in her music, yes? I completely agree that Janelle deserves more love than she gets, but

Kat would that "Beyonce-Free Zone" be say, the other dozen or so articles published on the site today that had absolutely nothing to do with Beyonce? I like you and your comments a lot, but I have to echo the other commenters here. Not in the objections to your opinions of the artist in question, which I support your

You can probably carve out that zone for yourself by not clicking on articles that are specifically and entirely about Beyonce.

Aww, you must feel so special. It really irks you to have the hard work of a black woman acknowledged and lauded for the achievement that it is, huh?

Have looked through all six rooms in my apartment (including the bathroom) and am unable to uncover a single fuck to give about how many consenting adults someone wants to marry.

You are missing the forest for the thick, fine trees.

I actually really like that you used that expression, because to me that's also kind of what Rihanna does and gets so much flak for. I was reading a pieceer earlier today where the author said that she loved that Rihanna was defiant about making the choices she wanted to make, even and especially the ones we don't

I cannot even with all the posts moaning that she's over-exposed.

This is not a trend. This is not even meant to be funny. Beyonce is one of the biggest artists of our time and means a great deal to her fans, particularly WoC. Accept it and deal with it the way I have learned to deal with people who think Gaga masquerading as a mermaid drag queen is art or that Jennifer Lawrence is

I bet you've never expressed this sentiment on the tons of "OMG JLaw is everyone's BFF!" articles.

Oh I see what the problem is.

Here's my REAL question, though: does GregBrian even PubMed? DO YOU THINK HE BOWHUNTS???