
I have written about this before I will share some of what I have said:

My avatar is a picture of Garak, and yet I'm not a Cardassian.

You'll live.

Laura I haven't kept up with Mango's response to the Bangladeshi factory collapse. Do you know if they have committed to changing the manufacturing process of their goods?

People grieve differently and especially in the first few hours — because you don't believe it & your brain sort of shuts down. Your world & everything you've known & loved in life has changed suddenly so you grasp to something familiar to hold on to some semblance of sanity. Just because her grief sounds "weird" to

Fox News Headline:

Gadot... just who I've been waiting for :3

Very sweet video, but I can't be the only one to notice the dude with the one leg is extremely good looking?

As a person with Cerebral Palsy and scoliosis who uses a wheelchair at all times, this made me feel so happy. PWDs often feel like an invisible minority in the world. We talk about LGBTQ folks, gender identity and expression, feminism, racism and much more in society, but we hardly hear about people with

Please don't use the results of research studies to justify the existence of gender stereotypes. You didn't explicitly do this in your article, but it's what you implied.

Eek, my mistake. I grew up with four man-children, momma's boy's uncles that were super condescending. It's a bad reflex when someone calls me a pet name. My apologies, really!

Totally. This one time my Hindu biology teacher was going on and on about evolution and I was like "I don't know why we're talking about evolution right now, it's so clear that god placed us on this earth in the garden of Eden fully created in His image." And he was all "ok I respect that you believe that personally

You do you, I'll do me, but I think when PETA is the loudest voice in the debate and they have such a voice because they continue to exclusively use female bodies as props for activism, I think it's fair to offer them criticism. If the non-crazy organisations had half the presence in the debate that PETA has, we

You are missing the point of fat acceptance. It is not "bad health acceptance." Food choices/intake, activity level, lifestyle choices and even health need to be separated from self esteem. You can have self confidence if you want to, regardless of whether others agree. You can hate obesity (in unhealthy cases) yet

1. I fucking hate PETA. I will eat meat until I die just to piss them off. Also because chicken is yummy, and tofu is disgusting.

I'm sure his 15 year old daughter is real proud of your puns. I've said this before, but I think it bears repeating. Remember before kinja, when this site's comments section wasn't filled with assholes?

I don't recall anyone inviting you to Jezebel, you hypocritical, racist asshat.

Well, you can't be everything to everybody. Brown, like Black, is political identity as well as a ethnic/racial one. A large chunk of my Black family is very pale (like pass for white pale). They still identify as Black. It is what it is. This website wanted to specifically spotlight dads of color (and fathers of kids