
Not going to directly respond to the OP in this thread, but religion should ideally be a matter of empowering people through faith, not about oppressing its followers and casting judgment on those that don’t espouse the same beliefs. To compare the Duggars church to Emmanuel AME is fallacious bullshit.

Then people like Maher will say ‘I told you so about Muslims’. There’s no winning.

Part of me wishes, deep inside, that Zayn would go Hard Ass Motherfucker on these assholes.

It makes sense that an institution with a history of telling women how to not get themselves raped would now start telling black kids how to not get themselves shot.

Helpful! But they left out the most important tip - have white children.

It was an honest mistake... she meant to call them thugs.

I agree with you on all accounts as far as bodyshaming, but I thnk its also important to remember that while it may hurt thin women to be told these things and they in no way deserve it and we need to work to eradicate this behavior, when it comes from heavy women it is usually coming from a place of reaction and

no one is playing stupid. People do recognize the phrase for what it is. Body shaming anyone is not ok. Hence the "we're all real."

I'm glad the "real women have curves" trend is dying out. I get that thin people have more privileges than non-thin people, but I never thought it was fair how they were excluded from the positive body image movement just because their bodies are more socially acceptable. I've always believed in promoting self-esteem

So I normally don't comment here, but your situation stood out to me because its similar to what my bf and i went through for a time. Sex had been painful for me, and though I told him to just go ahead, it wasnt really healthy for me to do that and it made him feel awful too because he doesnt want to have sex with

Good god man, let your wife suck your dick.

I always find this kind of advice puzzling because most divorces are initiated by women. Shouldn't the husbands be the ones adjusting their daily diet to keep their wives at home?

Um, actually it's not about his penis. It's about ethics in journalism.

My sister and I were going through things and she randomly started laughing and said, "James won't like this".

I've been "skinny" my entire life. My family, friends, teachers, coworkers all rag on me fore it. When I was in elementary school, the school teachers called DCFS on my parents TWICE to report what they thought was abuse through malnutrition, even though I was athletic and smart. My gym teachers from first grade

Sooo fat people are allowed to constantly talk about bodies that don't belong to them because they don't have the "privilege" of being thin. Is that what you're saying? And she should ditch her friends simply because they're fat? No. Just no. There's a solution, and it's for them to stop commenting on her physical

I think "the way she sees them" refers to her thinking of them as awesome people regardless of their weight.

Not when they're expressing frustration by constantly comparing their bodies to hers.

Um, you stop leading her on.