
I'm recommanding the part about morgenthaler. The part about your sster has me beating my head against he wall as well.

Is it bad that I find gay couples more adorable ? Is it prejudice ? I'm sorry you guys I can hardly help it look at them !

Haha, my dog was alpha when we got him (he growled at me as a wee pup once) but we trained it out of him (best advice we ever got : make him earn everything). He still loooves alpha males more though, but I think he mostly feels safer with them. When he's alone with me and I get startled by the door or something,

Of course, but I get that it's embarassing for owners, wich is why I tried to introduce him to a bunch of different people in his 1st week at home. Also, if it consistently happens, a good owner should make sure to invite understanding black or brown friends over to give treats/play with the dog in order for him to be

I invited many diverse friends when I got my puppy, I really didn't want my dog to be racist. He's now a dog who absolutely loves brown men (they remind him of my dad, I think, he desperately wants to go play with every one of them, it's a problem as culturally, we arabs are not often that into animals - I got into it

It's a matter of french demographics in this case. Most immigration in France comes from Maghreb, and it has been this way since a few decades. In the beginning, it was cheap labor brought in especially from the colonies, you see. Anyhow, France put the non-whites in slums and it got dangerous but they're all french

I will not shed a tear. Not because he was an old bigot homophobe, but because he probably killed a few people in Algeria and should have done long jailtime for his years as a terrorist in the OAS. Of course, France issued an amnesty for these people as well as the members of the french army who tortured anyone they

I think Quagmire is referring to his OAS years as a terrorist. OAS massacred the algerian population. But it's not explained in the article.

You're adorable ! I will, we told family, but I still have to go to the doc, I'm going tomorrow on my day off teaching.

Thanks ! Part of me still feels like I'm too much of a kid to do this (wich is ridiculous, I'm 26, not 16), I was actually nervous about telling my dad, like it was high school or something, he was overjoyed. But yeah, it's big and now I have to make appointments at the doctor and start taking care of my body and it's

I told him ! He's super excited/has started treating me like I'm made in glass. He's adorable. I'm still overwheled but I'm happy.

Ok, 3 different brands, all positive, digital says 3 weeks. I guess it's true.

Aw thanks. You might be a random stranger but it helped. I commonly have 43-60-28 days cycles - mostly cause of my weight also - so I didn't really care, but that's it, I did a just checking test and it was 2 pink lines. We have technically been trying, but you know, I still thought it was gonna take a whole lot of

I just got a positive test. Do you think it could be false ? I'm scared shitless/over the moon/scared shitless. And I don't wanna talk about it to anyone before I'm sure. And I wanna say it cutely to the husband. Somebody do something. Did I mention I was scared shitless ? (But congrats on not being preggo !).

Yes ! That's it. Also, why would you advertise your racism ? I can't get how this gets out and keeps getting out. Keep your dirty thoughts at home and stop embarassing yourself. You hate p.o.c. ? Go on angry rants to your s.o., dog, grandma. Don't spew hate out in the open. How fucking entitled do you have to be ?

See, it's something that makes me mad but that I semi-understand intellectually when it's people far away from you, like the people dying in a brown-populated country or a black woman missing. But when you know the kids and you go to school with them how the fuck can you... Even racist people will go : oh but you're

Okay, I was gonna say : but your feelings don't count, hon. But then I saw my irony was confusing to BobLoblaw and I didn't want you to think I was serious. Anyhow, you're right, it's sad that those kids' feelings count more to some people than how they made their schools' black kids feel. We're grown-ups on the

It refers to the picture they took : africa is there = go back where you belong, black people. That's what I got, at least. And seeing as black people are in America mostly du to fucking slavery, it's one of the most stupid, insensitive and extremely racist thing I can think of. Sorry if it was unclear.

Dude, telling black people to go back to Africa (cause they came willingly for leisure and sightseeing a few centuries ago) is the least racist thing I can think of.

Stupidity and ignorance can be causes of racism. But it's still racism. And even if it isn't, the absence of any disciplinary action or conversation on race with these kids will lead them to become racist adults.