
I think it's the follow-up thing, if they talked a lot about Berry and DeJesus 10 years ago, but it might be access to content too. The families of both these girls seem big and caring. Knight's family consists of about 2 people that seem harder to contact and haven't been that prolific in quotes, I guess. Also, the

You know, the way I see it, even if she's white, doesn'it strike you as highly symptomatic that a whole bunch of people from different backgrounds, a whole lot of them from minority, on different websites assumed the police/media didn't care cause she was black ? To me, it says the black commenters feel so

That's actually greatly explained, thanks.

You know, I'm sure he sucks for a bunch of reasons, and I'm aware of the blatant hypocrisy in promoting family values while fucking around, but I really don't get how much Americans are involved into their politicians' sex lives. He had a mistress, that doesn't make him a bad governor, it makes him a bad husband. The

Your friend is probably not stupid. She knows. Maybe she tries to be healthier and is failing, maybe she tries to be healthier and it doesn't show. Maybe she's slef-hating right now and being worse than usual about her relationship to food, exercise and her body (ok, I'm projecting). Bottom line is : she knows. And

Ok, so you have a Louis Vuitton... God. I did say "white feminists website", by wich I meant this kinda piece - glorifying a very privileged way of life (wich is why I compared it to Girls) - wouldn't be published on, say, Racialicious. I really don't think all white feminists have dolce bags hanging from their thin,

Thank you for making the point about promoting/perpetuating a certain world view that I was too lazy to make.

I believe you with all my heart. But I think you get what I'm talking about here - and that I'm not talking about you guys - the 99%.

I really think the people commenting actually value creative writing. Wich is why they call out generic, cliché writing. I tried not to criticize the style (is it the same word in english ? maybe I mean writing - I'm not a native speaker), cause the writer can read the comments and I felt bad about it, but I

Ha ! Called it 2 minutes after you. So you're not alone. Very uncool way to put it.

I haven't finished this - I think I stopped at the dolce bag (btw, this is why people criticize : Girls, white feminists website - Immigrant girls do not relate to dolce bags unless they're oil tycoons' daugthers) - but I really don't see why it's shared here, especially since we're supposed to be sensitive to people

That is fascinating. Thanks for sharing and getting mad on all women's behalf. Maybe they'll start teaching it differently if enough kids point this kind of thing out.

Great, a topic about women novelists ! I've posted a question about feminist literary theory in my "blog" (?) if anyone wants to answer. I'm basically asking how I can convince my class of the relevance of the criticism and the relevance of teaching it.


You are not alone.

I'm an Arab that looks totally white and my name is not too characteristical. People have complained to me about my own race. I told them to fuck off and that I was arab but I totally understand where your sister's at and the fact that someone can have white privilege but feel like a traitor to their own people

I'm sorry about the way people responded to you. Don't show this to your husband, as an agnostic Arab with a muslim family, I find it deeply depressing.

If it was an eighteen-year old male kid talking about you, it might make you feel unconfortable. If your husband feels harassed, I get that he wants her out, even if I have a tendancy to be overly generous in those kind of issues myself (my man is rarely made unconfortable by girls crushing on him and we're teachers,

I reaaally didn't like dogs. And then I got one (hubby really really reaaaaallly wanted one). And now I'm a dog person ! It took 6 weeks, I'm kind of ashamed (but they're so damn full of love and playfulness, and when you acutally know what they want, you see they all just wanna looooove you more ; it's hard to hate

"screaming "MISOGYNIST!!!" at an author based only on what they have written". That totally shouldn't be done, man. I mean, if I write a book where my black characters are criminals, my arab characters are wife beaters and integrists ans my asian characters are good at math, it doesn't make ME racist... Also, if they