
It’s amazing to me how much some people can attach their happiness to the attention of a significant other. Like it’s the kind of basic need that would make sacrificing your childrens’ well-being understandable. And these dudes were old, ugly and stupid. Come on! They should have at least been rich or hot to make it

As an American it makes me sad how easy we want to turn away refugees. Not because my poor bleeding heart but because if you are here, especially if your family has been here for a few generations, and with the exception of certain groups such as Native Americans and African-Americans of certain generations, there is

babies can’t date. only one baby at a time fits in the cozy coupe.

Though Turkey is nominally an ally in the war on ISIS, there is, among certain factions in the country (largely the right, from which many ultras draw their membership), the sense that ISIS is the enemy of Turkey’s enemies.

One problem with interpreting events like that in Turkey is that the media is explicitly divided along ethnic and partisan lines. It’s hard as an outsider to know where outlets are prone to sit on a story.

Why do other people get to decide what is best for my life? I just. What is the reasoning here? Maybe, MAYBE I could see it if each person who is prolife was willing to adopt the child, but they aren’t. I know this argument has been hashed out before but for the life of me I cannot understand it, why doesn’t a living

So, having children should only be a luxury afforded to the affluent?

I too enjoy pricing human beings out of bodily functions.

I am pretty certain this customer was not human, but an alien visiting us and now planning to invade earth for our maraschino cherries.

They were told it was going to be a haven for rats and fat cats.

But of course, why wouldn’t Team Cat HQ have delegates present at a summit for world leaders?

You mean the gluten that holds us all together...

Why are they neatly arranged on a plate, instead of strewn across a table?

I was just in Istanbul a couple months ago and the cats are no joke. First of all: they are everywhere. Second of all: they can be a bit skinny but in general look much better off than strays I’ve seen in other parts of the world. Third: they DGAF and are super bold. I have a photo of one lounging on a turnstyle at

I feel you so hard. It’s hard to maintain a strong sense of self when it seems like no one else thinks you’re lovable. In the meantime, I would recommend that you take care of yourself: get plenty of rest, keep active, eat nourishing food. Then, emotionally: nurture your non-romantic relationships: hang out with your

My wife and I are three weeks apart. It’s sort of awesome when you start saying “you know that stupid song that was all over the radio the summer after 8th grade?” and she’s already humming it before you can even get all the words out. Age is no deal breaker, but being the same age is pretty fun sometimes.

You simply cannot grow, refine, package, cook and serve food for that price.

I think it was a fantastic job by the responsible people to prevent mass panic. They had no idea what was waiting outside until the police secured the area, and they had to get a huge amount of people out of the stadium without causing any panic. To wait until the game was over and then to open up the gates to the

I blame the English language. It’s not Natasha’s fault that “All you can eat” can be singular or plural (and boo to Denny’s for taking advantage of the ambiguity). This wouldn’t have happened in Shakespeare’s day. When the tavern had an “All thou canst eat” special, everybody knew it only meant thee, not thy whole

Huh. My sprog feels fancy when I get him a hot chocolate with whipped cream. The real stuff. Not the package stuff loser mom’s like me make at home.