When the Good Ship Lollipop get three sheets to the wind.
When the Good Ship Lollipop get three sheets to the wind.
Seriously, she was a major historical figure, that's a cut above a celebrity!
Even Orwell didn’t see this coming; in fact the one who foresaw it was Chaplin. In Modern Times (1935) he gave us the boss spying on a bathroom/cigarette break via video surveillance ...
I am SO glad that folks finally realized that we’re not a monolith. I too did not grow up with a black card, and faced many taunts of being “white” for the way I talked, for growing up in the suburbs and for turning my nose up at chitlins. It wasn’t until college (at an HBCU) when I was finally granted provisional…
I’ve found youtube to be a really great source of this type of information from ex-pats who now live in whatever destination you’re going to and can tell you what phrases they know they need the most in day to day life. I’ve been on a Japan binge the last few weeks and saw this I think yesterday:
HAHAHA I just posted about a place I worked that had the same playlist on shuffle every day, and how certain songs were ‘events’. Hotel California was an ‘event’ song, in that it was the only song I risked the owner’s wrath to skip, because I fucking hate that song. In the case that I couldn’t get to the iPod within…
When I worked at the Limited in the 90s I timed my shift based on their muzak. If I came at Sign, Sealed Delivered, it meant I was leaving 4 hours later around Al Green’s Lets Stay Together. That was 25 years ago and it has obviously left an impression on me :)
I can do repetition if it’s MY choice--like in high school, when I’d put my new favorite CD in my stereo and just run it whenever I was in my room. I’d change it once I’d learned all the lyrics to all the songs. I guess I just didn’t feel like I really needed to know all the lyrics to “That’s Not My Name”?
Twenty five years ago, I was working a retail job during Christmas. This was before the days of satellite radio, so we just had two repeating “mix tapes” of Christmas music that corporate sent us. For four months this is all we were allowed to listen to. On a loop, forever. To this day, when I hear Rudolph end, I…
I’d imagine it has more to do with control, though. I frequently listen to short playlists or even individual songs on repeat at work on my headphones, and I believe it puts me into a bit of a rhythm and stops me from glancing at the clock constantly. But if I subjected my whole office to the same five songs on repeat…
I hear all your horror stories but nothing compares to being a karaoke DJ and hearing another couple of drunk assholes do Love Shack.
The soundtrack when I worked at Big Box Store came on two discs from corporate and took about 80 minutes to cycle through. It was a nightmare to begin with—if you were working 40 hours a week (which I was, lucky me), you got to hear “That’s Not My Name” by The Ting Tings 6 times a day—but if corporate decided to keep…
It’s one thing to hear the same pop song on the radio and slowly grow to like it. It’s totally different when you are being forced to listen to the exact same set of songs for months or years on end. When I worked retail I had to listen to the same exact 80s playlist every day for over a year. And yes, it did slowly…
The Gap Band is pretty bad ass.
The other dancers continued to support their white fired coach, simply moving the events off school property and excluding Sturdivant.
This is what I think of when I hear “boat shoes,” but then again, I am old:
Hell yes.. Bourdain could sit in a hut Somalia and eat some shit I never heard of all while drinking a local beer and watching local tv with the same reverence that he would relay eating in a castle with royalty. He never talked down to the people he worked with and spoke about.
Ain’t shit you can do if your mama names you Jennifer, but “Jenn” is a choice.
I’m embarrassed for them.
With that said, I have a feeling Tiffany on the left knows about BBC but has never watched British television.
I tend to save my ironic “No Diggity” cover version for the shower. The grout seems appreciative since more of it shows up every day.