
Very astute observation. He is illiterate, and he can not express himself. Think about it, this man was never exposed to meaningful reading or spelling lessons but then somehow was giving lectures and taking college honors classes? Get real. He can’t even read Angelou, Shakespeare, or See Spot Run let alone provide

This article doesn’t even mention the test DJ’s family did where they asked DJ questions he would know the answer to and Anna facilitated. Guess what, the answers were wrong! Because she’s making shit up!

Yup. I agree completely. Their relationship as teacher/student or counselor/client, or however it is technically classified creates an imbalance of power right from the start. Add in the fact that he is effectively unable to consent to sexual activity in any objectively affirmative manner, and it’s rape. If anyone is

One thing I thought of while reading this. Is if he really has the iq of a toddler I would expect he’s illiterate, which would make it seem odd he can express himself with a facilitator even if FC itself wasn’t questionable.

You do. It’s why I’ve been trying to seduce you for years.

“I’ve been trying to seduce Anna for years, and she resisted me valiantly.”

Absolutely. I read the linked article when it was published and it is ABSOLUTELY clear that she was, even if subconsciously, inventing all of his communication. As his family notes, his “voice” when using her as a writer reflected her interests, her passions, and not his own. There is absolutely no evidence that he is

“New York state clinicians believe that D.J. has the mental capacity of a toddler.”

Yes, because she slept with a student. It’s that simple. If she had power over the student, then the student could not consent.

I thought it was wasabi, so you’re definitely ahead of me.

Women are, to some folks, “picky” if they want anything in a man.

The “talks too much” thing made me want to punch through a wall. How dare your SO want to talk to you! Maybe her “low sex drive” is just her not wanting to fuck someone who shushes her when she’s speaking.

I really hope someone wouldn’t dump me over reading self-help books. That said, it’s a big dealbreaker for me if someone doesn’t read at all. Everyone’s allowed their preferences.

I also highly recommend a hot water bottle. Sometimes, I even put it in my bed before I take a shower, and wrap my pajamas around it, so I can get out of the shower and put on nice warm pj’s before getting into my nice warm bed. It’s magical.

You are officially my grandma. “Just cut the mold off, it’s fine! That fruit is only a little bit rotten! I’ve only used that teabag three times; it’s still good!”

Seriously, I didn’t have a worthwhile adult relationship until I created a firm list of deal breakers. When I was young, I believed anyone who claimed to care for me was likely a good person and making relationships work was just about being flexible and working on it.

Socks in bed are essential when it’s cold out. I have perpetually cold feet, and cannot fall asleep sometimes because I feel too cold. Put on some socks, ta-da! Comfy feet and a good night’s sleep.

The people who have that as a dealbreaker tend to come from semi-idyllic families and sheltered backgrounds and genuinely don’t understand those of us who come from shit families. Some have enough empathy to deal, but some, well, we’re better off not dating them anyway.

I always wanted to slip up to the server and mutter “Look, I get the legal seafood’s good enough for the chumps. But come on, pally, whachoo got in the back? Sea serpent? Mermaid? I got the cash.”

Let’s all make a promise that when/if we become famous, we will all be Kevin Smith Famous.