
No shit, I can’t even imagine what that would be like, finding out the person you married and have kids with is like this. I suspect he had to push a lot of heart break and anger aside to get the authorities what they needed. He put his and all kids first. Good show.

The Cosby Show came on at a time when there weren’t a lot of positive images of black people on tv. The Cosby show had an intact family with well-to-do professional parents and good kids. They didn’t live in the ghetto, no one was on drugs (except for those one-episode friends), none of the daughters were pregnant,

Post-Huxtables. And they were uber rich, richer than most families on TV at the time, period. The Huxtables were upper middle class but their kids went to public school, they liked each other, they were college educated... Like my family. But both black and white people to my face at the time said they were a made up

Well that, and also... “in a few generations the Huxtables will have been just a fairytale.”

Well shit, I’m fake all day at work every time I answer the phone and take a pizza order rather than standing up, bellowing “I DON’T CARE” and walking out. Because I want to keep my job. Anybody who hears me talking to them and then on the phone starts laughing because I have a distinct “phone voice.” People who don’t

I think of “fake” people as people who deliberately use charm to manipulate others.

This. When people say they want you to be genuine, what they almost always mean is that they want you to make your fake, cheerful, socially-sanctioned self more believable. No one beyond your closest family and friends (and sometimes not even them!) cares about your real self.

I’ve been struggling so much with this lately. I’ve been dealing with a really stressful and frustrating interpersonal problem, and while I know no one enjoys being around negativity, it’s amazing how relentlessly positive (and dismissive) some of my close friends have been. One actually told me that if I had been

The fact is - we live in a world where both at work and socially - inauthenticity is both demanded and exceedingly rewarded.

There’s no longer any stigma or even slight social penalty, so of course people are gonna be machiavellian fools - it’ pretty much perceived as weak or idealistic not to be. (Which sucks rocks

Right? Chickenhawks, all of ‘em. The only people who talk shit about what they’d do with a gun pointed at them are people who’ve never had guns pointed at them.

Hell, my normal, popular American name was considered utterly unpronounceable in China due to having too many syllables, an l (that is, an American l, most Asian countries pronounce the letter very differently), and a v. I had about five different nicknames depending on who was speaking to me, including Tza (formerly

She would have married ANYONE? Does that make you feel special?

It’s not just men who do this though. It’s also done by people who are not at all interested in having sex with you. Women do it to me, men do it to me. Some people just can’t be alone and they actually think everyone else feels the same. Most take a hint, but, there are some that really believe you, a stranger

She then took you into the unisex bathroom and fucked you.

Do you mean to say, you didn’t want to babysit his two adorable moppets and maybe suggest going to his house to clean it for him, add a woman's touch and cook him a nice home cooked dinner before letting him jackhammer you for two minutes? What the fuck is wrong with you? Joan, you will never get a man. I'll bet

I used to bartend, and emotional woman were weak prey for some of those men. All women were prey to some. I was considered a service whore by a few simply because I served drinks and worked late hours. Whore. They would actually follow me home after last call and try and walk in my house, like it was normal. Blocking

Using your analogy, would you prefer that your partner have to pretend to be surprised by your gift, or for her to spend years telling you that your gift sucks, that you’re a terrible gift-giver, and that it’s not her job to tell you what she hates about the gift? And also, why don’t you give her gifts anymore?

Now playing

Ok, enough of these articles saying, ‘Don’t be you!’. First the cheating article that tells you it’s up to the cheater to decide the future of the relationship and now it’s ‘Don’t tell the bad kisser he sucks’? Well, OK, sure, don’t tell him but also don’t continue to date him because his kissing style will be his

This just happened to me. All was going well ... until the first kiss. My face, from nose down, completely wet. I nearly dry heaved. This was a new relationship that could have gone really well. But the lack of kissing chemistry completely tanked it. A male friend also suggested I let the guy know how I like to kiss.

My now-wife told me, about a year after we got married, that she didn’t like how I kiss her.