
Having lived in and around L.A. for a number of years, people have suggested that I audition my son for things because he’s a cutie. HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NO. HELL NO. UH UH. When he is the age of consent and is a confident, grown man, he can do whatever he wants. But while he is young and trusting and sweet, he isn’t

Not to make light of this woman’s experience but on my work record from a previous job is an official write up admonishing me to “stop stealing coworker’s hair and doing magic spells with it”.

Truth. I remember when I was in the car with my now ex-husband and his mom called him. After hanging up, I asked what she wanted. She called because she was vacuuming and broke down crying because she wasn’t his number 1 priority anymore. I should have run away after hearing that.

Wtf is with you guys, are you casting models for a runway show? Where does this nastiness towards a victim’s looks come from?

The choreography in that video is very wow. Just, um.... special. My sister and I used to create elaborate choreographed dance numbers in our yard in elementary school and they were of comparable quality. Which is to say we had zero dance training and they were horrifyingly embarrassing.

A lot of people have irregular menstruation though. Before the pill, mine was all over the place (gone for 3 months, come back, etc.). I'd think that with less than adequate nutrition and hard-living back in the day, even more people would be irregular.

I’m not sure how long it lasted, but people absolutely did not know quite how babies were made. They though it was the moon, rituals, etc. Having a baby almost a year after having sex made it not so obvious that it was the sex that caused it. Also, only women give birth, so it seemed like something they were


For me, the worst is when a best friend just cuts you out of her life with no explanation. Just ghosts on you and you’re left wracking your brain to figure out what you did wrong, was it your fault, what you could have done differently. Being angry as hell at her and simultaneously missing her so much you’d give up

I can’t read all of this, it makes me too sad to remember everyone I’m not allowed to speak to. I think, as women, we are often only used as placeholders until our friends find husbands, and then we are no longer needed and must be put aside. I have one that has made every attempt to show me this, and surrounds

I had a falling out with my best friend of 17 years about 5 years ago. We were inseparable and she’s in almost every memory I have; it’s like someone burned down my archives. It was harder than any breakup I’ve ever had.

I’ll agree to a point, but bad spelling and grammar from a native English speaker comes across very differently than a non-native speaker. We have “offshore resources” (employees in corporate offices overseas - mainly India) in our company and if you showed me emails from 100 people with all names and identifiers

Yeah, the Aberdeen part is just a huge red flag. You’d think she would have at least Googled it and seen that they speak English there or something.

I love the ones that tip right over the edge from broken English into Dada!

Or the fact that it was clearly written by an ESL individual? I mean, it’s better than most, but “how beautiful your picture?” “Do you know where?” These are probably not phrases written by someone in Aberdeen. I’m not saying scammers are always foreign, but when the command of English is tenuous and the name is as

Welp, glad to know that I am safe:

Thank you! One of my favorite things about wrap dresses is that I get to wrap the thing at my real waist instead of at where someone else has decided my waist is supposed to be. A faux-wrap dress with a seam in the middle is just useless.

Wrap dresses are WONDERFUL in that they’re easily adjusted to your liking. Faux-wrap dresses are FUCKING BULLSHIT, and combine all the worst elements (waist at wrong level, neck too high or low, front skirt flaps that may or may not have enough fabric/overlap to prevent flashing in wind/when sitting) with the complete

I respect Hannibal Buress more by the day.
