
I cannot edit my last post but I wanted to add something else. Until you get to a point where you are strong enough to remove their toxicity from your life, get angry. Really angry. Look at their treatment of you, the way they expect you to ask for nothing while they ask for everything of you, how they devalue your

I say this with the deepest of kindness, is there any way you can get back in to therapy? It sounds like you yearn for acceptance and all they do is hurt you with various tactics. That isn’t love, it’s manipulative and cruel. It is no wonder you had an abusive relationship, your family never taught you how to have a


I’m going to be very blunt, your brother sounds like a massive asshole. Nearly 40, totally irresponsible, a cheater and still wants your parents to finance his life. I wouldn’t say a word of congratulations until he properly tells you about his engagement. In the real world, people tell family in person or over the

No it is perfectly acceptable! In fact, the last time I held a baby, it was a trap so that my family could grill me on the state of my barren uterus and how my clock is ticking without me yelling at them.

“You sure? I’ve dropped the last three in a row.”

Seriously, how completely idiotic/moronic/mean/evil?!! How can people look at a living animal and think that they are basically a shopping mall children’s amusement to ride on, rather than a living, breathing, feeling, emotional being?

So I just learned about the manatee thing (that it’s illegal to interact with them) recently and it breaks my heart. I was working on a project for work where I saw footage of this manatee going up to people on a boat and they LOVE people. Like to a heartbreaking degree. They bob around like dogs and try to get people

Arthropod geek here - I do my own exterminatin’ based on the issue at hand. Spiders and house centipedes are most welcome guests because they hide, and gobble up the nasty stuff before it can get into the house. Widows are welcome in cracks and crevices I will never blindly stick my hand in, and Recluses...can stay

Wolf spiders aren’t even that big, and anyway I’d prefer one scary looking spider that’s absolutely terrified of me over a few flies that are irritating but too fast for my lazy cat (also how my cat never has an issue with a spider the size of a playing card, I will never understand. Maybe they found a connection

I don’t understand why people in North America are afraid of house spiders. They just want to be your friend.

Don’t even care if people will say I’m also a bigot but fuck these religious assholes. Fuck religion, fuck their God and fuck all the things they stand for.

I initially read it as “celebrity facist” and could not figure that out either.

There are so many layers of fucked up here that even a laser resurfacer couldn’t clear it up.

Weird. I didn’t think that’s what they were into...

Daddy-O is the proper retort to this, if we’re suddenly using 1950’s lexicon.

The problem with a “casual fun” workplace is too many people try to pretend it isn’t a workplace where you do a job. Once you’re an adult it’s time to accept life isn’t a permanent recess/field trip.

“I have mastered the fine art of presenting a charming disposition with self-awareness”

Any company that prides itself on being ‘like a family’ makes my skin crawl. I feel like, 99.9% of time, it is a bald-faced* lie.