
No, in high school, MCLB is definitely the way to go. Nobody ever lost the game of life for not having a significant other in high school.

Between this and the kid with the clock, Texas school districts are on my shit list.

I feel like if I had MORE confidence and maybe less boyfriend when I was younger I would have had a much more productive life.

It’s astounding to see how parts of America still seem stuck in the 50s.. you guys! Never a dull moment!

You have to love how teaching girls “confidence” is on the menu while teaching boys about college, careers and salaries. I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that if the girls had the opportunity to learn about planning for their future, they’d be a lot more confident. Radical idea, I know.

“Cats” and “too many” don’t belong in the same sentence. Unless it’s “There’s no such thing as too many cats”.

I love print magazines. But it hurts that Madamoiselle and Walking are long dead yet I can pick up Kayaking Minnesota or Dirt Eaters Monthly at the local supermarket. I don’t understand publishing.

Oh, I think she’s exploiting it for clicks, for sure. But honestly, after seeing the picture of them upthread? I think it could go either way.

Yeah. After reading the original piece, my takeaway was that it seems like their whole marriage is one big mindfuck, designed to give him the upper hand because he’s always withholding the one thing she really needs to hear.

Oh, honey. I know this is none of my business, but I simply can’t help wanting you to run in the opposite direction as fast as possible.

Without knowing how long you have been together, this sounds as though it MIGHT be a little controlling and I would not want that behavior (of telling you he’ll “work on” your body with you) to continue. My anecdote is that I dated a guy who thought I needed to lose weight. I had gained a normal amount of weight

I read that article yesterday, promptly looked up images of husband and wife... was expecting more from the husband.

Yeah, I got to the part about her thanking him for sex, and always being the outside spoon, and I thought “Thus motherfucker knows exactly what he’s doing and gets off on keeping his wife feeling insecure and less-than.”

Oh wow. that’s a lot of stuff to unpack. For me, personally, I couldn’t continue a relationship with someone who told me that he just didn’t find me attractive and wanted me to work on myself to be more attractive. like you knew what you were getting into when we got together, mister. (Within reason) :( I’d need to

There’s an element of this in (almost) every relationship, though I disagree with the author that it’s at all necessary to discuss it. The number of people you can look at and find extremely physically attractive without knowing anything about them is very small. Attraction that leads to stable relationships is almost

I think personality plays way more into it than we ever think about, and time. I was pretty damn cute when I got married, and my husband was in pretty good shape. He was not “conventionally attractive”, but he has dimples for days, a great ass, and he’s the smartest person I’ve ever known, which I find immensely

I agree that, at least when it comes to a long term partner, a good 75% of my finding them sexy has to do with their personality, if not more. The more I love someone, the sexier I find them. And by that, I mean they actually become physically more attractive to me - in such a way that I can’t necessarily separate

Different people have different priorities when looking for a mate, and those desires oftentimes change over time as you change. In my early 20s, I was pretty shallow, as I’ve gotten older, it’s become less so.

Writers: People who just do not know when to leave things the fuck alone.