
and “offered “no broader explanation.”

That’s a 602-c, Sciencing While Brown.

Try Trip Advisor! We use that for restaurant reviews while traveling and have found it to be really reliable.

if you asked to be taken off the list and they call back, it’s illegal.

So, let me get this right. Someone did a rape kit, got a DNA sample from the accused rapist, looked at video footage, matched the guy’s DNA to the DNA from the rape kit, took seriously the accounts of another woman who came forward more than a year after the fact, and actually charged the fucker with felony rape

I’ve checked our city’s board of health against Yelp reviews. It’s quite telling the people who repeatedly have disgusting violations are often the ones with the highest Yelp ratings. I wonder why that is.

I love the reviews that are basically “Great food but had to wait 40 minutes on a Friday night! One star.”

I own a small business with a brick + mortar location and Yelp will. not. stop. calling. me. They’re extremely aggressive and legit require that we hang up on them to end the conversation. I cannot count how many times I’ve told them to stop calling, yet they persist. I’m on the verge of... well, a verge. Fuck Yelp.


My favorite are the ones written by fucking morons. Like folks who go to a Spanish Tapas bar and complain they didn’t serve chips and salsa.

So, in short, Yelp has become the internet equivalent of a protection racket.


This candy asked for it. This is disgusting candy that has no excuse for existing. And that bar really does look like vomit!

We once had a blatantly racist and offensive “review”—a specific, named attack, no less—which was up for well over a year.

You can’t fool me, this is goat milk soap from some twee boutique in a resort town.

Sadly, nobody knows what a porcupine looks like:

While I’m not angry at the nudity in general, nor I am at the nudity of toddler, this is clearly a sexualized nudity context, so I find it totally inappropriate for a toddler.

Can’t have manslaughter without laughter.

I will gladly pay full price to get into the club if you stop killing us. And I will even pay for my own drinks if you promise not to roofie them.

And the bus bit is particularly laughable, since they instituted all-female buses because guys would not STOP RAPING WOMEN ON THE BUSES.

I think there’s a typo in that one. It should read: