
How did the “experts” let him slide through their “rigorous screening process”?

Yeah. I have a small box of things from my grandparents’ house that I try to open only a couple times a year (for the past, oh, has it been 11 years already?) because it still smells like them, and where they lived, and how much they loved me.

Nope - one time he talked about how his Grandfather would talk to his Grandmother in a demeaning way and I knew these two were doomed.

College is waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy easier than we all remember it to be.

That made me mad, too. I guess his grandparents knew each other pretty well before they started acting like crotchety old people, right? You can’t start a relationship that way.

Eh, my kids’ social worker said she matched them to us “cause they look like your family”. No regard to whether their personality/problems would be adequate for us. Just “You look like bio family in pictures!”

Toilet lid hat FTW!

More than once, the “relationship experts” said they paired these two up because of their attractiveness. Even after they began fighting, and he was immediately becoming incredibly vicious and ugly toward her during any confrontation, Dr. Pepper (yup, f’real) kept emphasizing her hope that they would work out because

My husband has called him “the wife beater” since the 2nd or 3rd episode because, “it’s only a matter of time.” Dude has some SERIOUS anger issues.


Crazy hats like this make me want to get into the millinery business SO BAD.

I carry my keys in my pockets at all times and don’t carry ID unless I ABSOLUTELY have to (stupid, I know, but I either put it in my shoes or in a sock). I’ve always been absolutely terrified of someone stealing my purse with my house keys my ID with my home address on it. You can have what little money I carry and my

I agree my feeling has also always been “I’m going to pay an obscene amount of money to give you free advertising? Fuck that, pay me to carry it”

I know, right? I have my one nice, fancy bag that’s basically perfect for me except that there’s a big, honking logo on it (and I still bought it because that wasn’t a dealbreaker, but whatever). I freaking hate text and branding on shit I’ve already paid literal human asses for; fuck ya’ll, pay for your own marketing

I am so fashion forward I don’t even carry a “bag”. I use my pockets to hold my phone, cards, and keys. Bags are like oppressive anchors that hold you down you gotta remember where you put it, you end up carrying whole bunches of extra shit that you don’t need, and people with you who don’t want to carry their own

Ah, dammit, I forgot he went to Princeton! If only he’d mentioned it a few more times..


Going by this guy’s hairline, he might be feeling a time crunch to lock something down before he goes totally bald.

I think what’s confusing for them is that they are every bit as hot as they think they are, but when it turns out the woman want something more, they can’t handle it.

I love how all of these guys are suddenly realizing they’re not as hot as they think they are and morphing into assholes, like gremlins you’ve fed after midnight.