
Oh, I’m down for equal investment - I was trying to make an argument for the first date only. As I said in some of my other posts, I’m a planner, and I love planning fun dates for the guy I’m seeing. I set everything up, pay for the date, etc. However, if a guy can’t get it together for the FIRST DATE and/or maybe the

Preach. There is nothing to be gained, as a woman, from taking initiative with a man. Unless you like being in the driver's seat at all times and want a passenger rather than a partner in life. And some women do like to be The Boss who makes all the decisions. But not me.

No one’s talking about a single date, yeah obviously that wouldn’t work out for either party at some point. But I know you don’t think that “guy asks the girl” tradition just magically happened. And yeah, Ive known girls who “go for it” and I see what happens to them.

This is what they do! And why I will never pursue a man again. If there is no man in the world who likes me enough to make a move then so be it; I'll be alone. Because the truth is, if a man likes a woman (and actually wants to date her as opposed to endlessly "hanging out [and fucking, of course]"), he WILL make a

I used to do this, but you know what I have discovered in this online dating hell? Every Single Time I take initiative and set up plans for the first date, I soon learn that the dude will NEVER reciprocate. If he didn’t have the courage to make the first move, and the grown-up-ness to pick a time and place, he will

Making the first move as a woman is seldom worth it, because many guys will take you up on your offer even if they're not interested. They figure, "eh why not?," they'll get an easy lay for a little while until the woman starts to expect more effort (at which point, the guy fades or gets really defensive about being

It’s hilarious that expecting people to put in more than the bare minimum in romantic effort reads as “entitled” to some.

I’ve never been so complimented to be considered entitled.

I knew a dog who had to JOIN IN whenever she saw 2 people were kissing. It was awkward.

My rotti/shep cross was relatively apathetic towards everyone but my mom and dad. She didn’t care for kids much so she mostly ignored me. But she was a good dog, never growly or mean.

That is until one of my uncles friends came to the house. My dog was CRAZY, barking and growling, ears back and hackles raised. My dad

You know, when I was a little girl, my moms good friend was Puerto Rican. I loved how she sounded. I loved how she cooked. As I grew up I studied Spanish and learned to cook that way. THATS ALL THAT HAPPENED.

Who cares what her agenda is, why did she need to wear my skin tone as a god damn costume to accomplish it?

Uh, she stole scholarships meant for black people; faked hate crimes; taught a race studies class where she’d bring in her fake black dad; was racist herself towards hispanic women and according to some students, black women as well; lied about being whipped like a “slave”.

We joke that our dog can smell erections. He has been known to literally physically place himself between me and my husband (on the couch, in the bed) to prevent impending intimacy.

I’ll take “Whore Ally Knows Anyway” for $800, Alex.

In the Book the Gift of fear (I think, I might have this mixed up) the author said that dogs often pick up on subtle emotions from their owners and strangers. So maybe the stranger is giving off weird vibes, or maybe the owner is giving off discomfort they won’t themselves acknowledge. Either way, if you dog doesn’t

My one cat HAAAATED my ex. This was displayed mostly through side eye and the occasional pissing in his shoes, but I just thought he was being an assface and left it at that. Then, ex splits on me with a friend when I was sick and came over one night after I’d been quite upset. The cat LAUNCHED himself, ninja like,

Yeah. I’ve had some cats who didn’t give a damn, and others who were extremely protective. One of ‘em was such a good judge of character, and so communicative about it, she functioned as an early warning system to let me know if something was wrong with a person that hadn’t been apparent to me yet. She was never wrong.

My cat guards our baby from visitors I don’t like. When my shitty mother in law tries to play with the baby, the cat swats at her. He does it to one other family member as well. HERO.

My dad rescued an abused Doberman back in the 70’s (and by rescue I mean stole from the owner because he witnessed the abuse). This dog literally hated and distrusted everyone except for my dad. She got out one day and a neighbor my dad had never met brought her back, she was letting him pet her and everything. My dad