
I work in a place of tourism that sees about 3 million people a year, from all over the world.

Uhh, if the locals truly think the naked white people caused the earthquake, I would say they got off pretty light.

No Americans were involved in the making of this mess??

A group of people with zero respect for local culture, acting in an offensive and obscene (for the region) manner? I am stunned and thankful that, for once, Americans were not involved.

Completely shaved is weird to me as an adult man... it’s the strongest opinion I have on the matter. Mostly I’m just happy to be invited to the party, not about to quibble about the decorations.

Thank you. I’m hairy as fuck (thanks, Italian genes!!) and shaving means spending AT LEAST an hour, 3 brand new razor blades, and half a can of shave gel. And I STILL get ingrown hairs (which looks disgusting). I only shaved because of guys who claim its so much more “respectful” of your partner and means you’re

And they always list a whole lot of not-remotely-gender-specific traits and then claim they can’t possibly be friends with women because they’re literally the only woman in the entire world who isn’t a Cathy cartoon. “Oh, I can only be friends with men because I’m sarcastic! And I like horror movies, and I watch the

Thank you for all of this, and I want to add one thing: For some people actually, doing things to their pubes is a problem. The things that happen to my skin down there when I shave, things that no lotions or powder will save me from, are so unpleasant and painful that I will never. do. it. again. Anyone who has a

Sex work that is freely chosen by someone who is not doing it out desperation and is not coerced into it is not rape and I never said it was.

It’s amazing how many 20-year-old white guys where I work come fresh out of training and immediately expect to be promoted to management. It’s always the white guys. Not all the white guys, but they’re all white guys. I’ve never seen a woman or a minority come out of training and start talking loudly to the room about

This is a good point, there always a problem with reporter error in these types of studies. I can probably list every time I’ve been cut out by a woman above me because it feels like a kind of betrayal (and sometimes is clearly intended as such). On the other hand, I don’t even trust most of the men I work with at

Unless they are trading for UN supplies which are intended to be free and available in a fair manner. I imagine this also happens. It isn’t just jewelry and cell phones: it is food and supplies.

The past week I’ve been asking myself why I feel like I’m failing, all the time, when in reality I’m a top performer at my computer, well known in the industry I work in, have a fantastic boyfriend and friendships and find time to exercise regularly and take up other activities (painting, volunteering, etc).

Look let he who has not coerced sex from people in a disaster area cast the first stone. Wait wait shit let me get a stone too guys god damn it.

I think it’s the assumption that a woman would probably know just how much that’d hurt? But it was indeed a he.

I feel like this is true of a lot of mall brands in addition to J. Crew — Abercrombie and Fitch*, Banana Republic and Gap, just to name a few. There’s been an overall decline in the quality of the materials, construction and fit, even as the prices have stayed the same or increased. I’m not going to buy three

I agree with you, but also think there’s a time and a place for those conversations. Also, nosy people shouldn’t get to dictate what you share about your life.

From eavesdropping on party line phone calls to those scandalous “Around Town” columns in local papers (“A certain young lady on Silver Street was seen in the company of a ruddy looking gentleman, unchaperoned! Here’s hoping her father will bring her in line!”), you are correct.

Long gone is the era wherein people generally minded their own goddamn business.

AMEN. I find the language people use to express pubic hair preference really horrible. It implies that unshaven automatically equals unhygienic. All sorts of people are all “I don’t mind how a bush looks, but I prefer it shaved for hygienic reasons.” Um, there’s a reason our bodies have evolved to have pubic hair on