
Yeah, and the converse of this for me is, if attractive women are too distracting and too easy to “fall in love with”, that’s kind of telling about what he’d think of women who he wasn’t attracted to either, when they required his attention and engagement.

There was a very long time when I did not trust white people to do...anything involving my appearance, really, because I’d had such bad experiences: haircuts, makeup, clothing...nope.

Oh, I agree. And I said “date rapey” which is a reference to the society you are describing and the rape culture that is part of it. But, my point, which you missed, is that women go for mutual respect. If you want a woman, respect women. BAM, you’re set. Its so strange that men get caught up doing perfomative

That works too. I think our society is pretty unhealthy on the whole ‘how people are supposed to get together/date’ thing, and that a lot of (most) people seem to buy into it despite that.

Seriously! There are three guys I see at work daily that I would totally fuck if I were single. But I don’t flirt or lead them on or even engage in that way. What the fuck? I hate this men get a pass because sperm dispersal is nessessary for human propagation neanderthal shit too! We have enough fucking people get a

I thought it was a mustache. That’s how bad it is.

“The answer is ... to act professionally to all of your colleagues, regardless of gender.”

jfc, his nose hair is sticking an inch outside his nostril. Dude, no ladies in the lab were falling in love with you and they were crying because they were scared of your goblin teeth.

With the prize money you think he would have done something about those teeth.

Oh, the 90’s, when our Pepsi was clear, our slacking was earnest, and The Simpsons was good.

for real, that’s an admission of date rape the creepy old fuck.

I know right? My jaw dropped at that.

If there was a place in my town that people walked around like this, I would catcall some men. Now, the thought being, I’m not a hot little thing. I’m a fat, over 30, butchy looking woman. Basically, the female version of most of the men that do catcalling. Maybe throw in some things that men aren’t traditionally

Yeah, the difference in expression is a startling contrast. So open and cheery before! Which no doubt is her usual mien. I hate seeing that it got taken away from her, that day.

Nobody cares about your stupid boner.

Yep. That and society generally acknowledge that men’s bodies are their own property so it lacks the putting them in their place quality that male on female street harassment has. Plus, men don’t deal with catcalling constantly. If it happened once in awhile, I don’t think it would be a topic of discussion. Not to

I sometimes do a spite buy, and then right after they wrap it up, i say, you know what never mind, and return it on the spot. That way I’m sure the return counts against that store and I am inconveniencing the person who offended. ( this is usually for clothing though, never done this with makeup)

I was also confused. I don’t see how giving her a commission just to show that you can buy works as a spite buy unless you found a different sales person and bought $200 worth of stuff from them.

The interesting one would be to get a 6 ft. 4, 240lb gay man to catcall them and see what happens.

When this was described as the male version of SATC it told me everything I needed to know.