
We’re all born naked and the rest is drag.

Fabulousness 101

As a long enduring member of the EDUCATIONAL INDUSTRY, I'm not sure why this is even news. Unless it's meant to be some kind of subconscious tie-in to transgenderism. As in strategically subtle? I can get that. yay. (I keep saying it: you are better than this).

According to the Wikipedia article I read his plans mostly include eating a variety of plant life.

If you sent him in wearing your shoes I’m sure he looked stylin’

Me showing up to take the test

It fits and signs were sent that was to be my name. My mom saw fawns in our yard the first morning I was brought home. She was able to touch one. It was said they were welcoming me by my grandfather.


Show me this picture of this baby deer but not a video of it prancing and making weird baby deer noises? RUDE.

He’s like a human Jiffy-Pop!

well you can do this

As a Florida native I can produce a whole list of them:

Yeah, I first thought it was a case of a crazy ex trying to keep his former partner from getting married to a new guy (which is crazy, but jealousy can drive people to do weird things), but keeping a woman from going somewhere as a guest? That’s super weird and raises a million red flags.

Please tell me she broke up with him. If a guy is willing to do extreme things like this to ban the girlfriend from going to a wedding, who knows what he might do next. Get away from him as soon as possibble, girl! Run while you can!

Dear Ewald’s girlfriend,

What a calm and non-hysterical thing to do when you disagree with something your partner does. I'm sure this guy isn't physically abusive in the least.

Oh god his fake ebonics talk is so bad. SO BAD. We all know you didn’t talk that way growing up, Chet!

My thoughts are that this guy is a professional and providing an artistic service (service might be the wrong word here, but I can’t think of a better one), and in his professional consultation made it clear he thought this was a poor idea and didn’t want to be a part of it. I don’t think this is an outrageous concept

Not to mention that the work that she included is on the bodies of other people who didn’t ask to be dragged into this and publicly mocked.

It’s not that they’re not tacky, it’s that they can be covered.