
Your stll wearing bandage dresses like it’s 2010, you use a flat iron, there are swartzki’s on your iphone, you drink cosmos, you still think SATC is relevant, you hire hummer limo’s for a night out, you eat sushi off a conveyer belt, your thailand nose job looks dated, you are Kim K 5 years ago.

Finally. All day long it seems I keep running into cute, smart, successful Chupacabras and I always feel so awkward asking if they’re single.

...the cardboard crate the shelter attempted to put her in for transit home enraged her...

Girl, the last time I had some man time we had a different president. :(

It seems like every day I read or see something that validates my fear of being part of a large crowd.

I left out Italians because if you look only at skin colour, some Italians are brownish (as far as I know anyway).

You should make it clear that it is one of the other and not both. I feel like New York has too many weirdos who will want to do the killing first.

I think it goes beyond “bug” or “feature” into more “fundamental architeture of the hardware”.

This is actually really true. Groups of black people will always be viewed as a threat and dangerous. Racists will be the first to tell you, they like a black person. “My friend in college was black!” But any time POC form a group it’s looked upon as an immediate threat.

Even if it was supposed to be a snide racist slam; I really hate the idea that: “haha, you are stupid! You only work an honest job that provides an essential public service! What a moron! It comes with benefits? Possibly a pension? Allows you a decent shot at the middle class? Boy you must feel dumb!”

Actually it was found that the original page was purposefully taken out and this one was maliciously put in, although it’s unsure by whom. A lot of people argued that you can't consider being a trash collector an insult, but this was most definitely intended to hurt the AMPS community and is indeed a racist and

They need a copy editor worse than you guys :/

I dunno, trash collators make some serious $.


I feel like if that happened, we’d go back to arguing about which white people are actually white or not. Sorry Irish/Italian/Polish/etc. people.

they should just stay inside

So far this week, without even trying to investigate, these are things I’ve learned that groups of black people shouldn’t do in the United States:

Such an excellent point. Most Americans don’t realize that EasyJet is barely a step up from RyanAir, which is basically a cattle car in airplane form.

So many questions: how big was that bottle of vodka? How was she allowed to bring it in her carry-on?

the fact that there is a French tabloid just called “Oops!” is pretty much the greatest thing in the world.