
I didn’t get upset when my loathsome ex got married. I did have feels for the poor woman duped into marrying him. I know a few years ago when he was still trying to win me back he was with her and used her really badly. The two of us had a couple conversations about it since she originally hated me and called me a

This reminds me of the women that think their boyfriend is god’s gift and every woman he speaks to is trying to have his baby. How about no? I like my men with jobs, not losers, and decent human beings.

WOW. What is with guys who can’t make normal gestures of love/kindness during a relationship and then go zero-to-fucking-nutjob in an effort to “get someone back?” It isn’t a Grand Gesture that shows you’ve changed, guys; you look delusional. At best.

I was in a similar situation: ex and I had a home together and I can see now that things were never really very good between us (we both loved him a lot - turns out that’s a problem after all) and so he gave me a wordy type-written letter that I don’t remember except the cliche at the end, “I love you, but I’m not in

I’m with Betty on Mad Men on that one: “I’ve learned to listen when people tell you it’s over. They don’t want to say it so it’s usually the truth.”

WOWSERS, that there takes elephant balls. I wish I could call up my husband’s exes and demand money while they’re in the hospital.

Okay, so remember the guy who dumped me at his family reunion? About five months later, I stopped by for the ol’ picking-up-the-crap-you-left-at-your-ex’s-place-but-want-back visit. Now, he’d bought a house earlier that year, and while it was perfectly nice, he was doing a complete renovation. When we were together,

Exactly. “I don’t want to get serious” means “I don’t want to get serious with you.” Then they find someone who presses all their buttons, they must have her, they get married and they are divorced in a few years. But the relatively sane relationship they had with you just did not work for them. Some people are not

I accidentally called out my exes name during the first time I’d had sex post-break up. We’d been together for 10 years, it was habit. It started coming out, and I realized, like OH SHIT! and tried to play it off like I just called for Joe-eesus. Yup. Smooth. I felt bad for a little bit after, but then I realized that

So I have an ex that mimicked my ENTIRE relationship. Literally the list goes on down to getting pregnant and I know it seems self centered to think he got her pregnant because of me but hear me out on this.

The day I got into a relationship he yelled at me for hours over text saying how I never really loved him and

Wow, your ex and your ex’s new spouse are total dicks. Good on you telling them where to shove it.

I managed to bite my tongue when my ex got engaged after 3 months of dating the girl he met after me, after dumping me because he just didn’t want to be involved in anything serious.

my ex - who has the same first name as my husband

I would guess poorly. You dated her for 18 years and didn’t get married, but are now engaged to someone you’ve been dating for 7 months. :/

Yep. Thanks for confirming my gut feeling. I highly suspected “boisterous” was code for “black people expressing themselves in public in a way I don’t like.” Nobody is going to arrest a white middle class mom for clapping at her kid’s graduation.

That’s what happens when you value quantity over quality.

There’s an age where you get over sex? Oh dear!

Too young to remember a time when men were grateful. Maybe it *is* the porn proliferating this, but I’ve always felt like sex was something women weren’t supposed to want or even enjoy. ‘Put nice tokens in, get sex as a prize’ is the prevailing idea. And often men act like you’ve lowered yourself for sleeping with

I stare at my ceiling like this all the time and I’m like, “Is that a bug? Please god, don’t let it be a bug. Maybe that spot has always been there and I never noticed it before. It’s not moving. Wait, I blinked. Did it move? I think it moved. Is it staring back at me wondering if I’m a person?”

I don’t get Zara. It’s twice as boring as H&M but at three times the price. I mean, if you want a runs small beige shift dress for $200 then Zara is your store. Otherwise, WTF?