
That’s what I was thinking. Communism has issues in practice, but the theory of it sure got some shit right.

In case you see any of the undeserving poor, you can pass this along to them.


Sex can cause a little demon to grow inside you? I believe this is correct.

Oh no, he wants it. He’s asking for it. Lookit the way he talks and everything. See? Anything that happens to him is entirely his own fault. If he wanted to spew hatred without consequences, then he should’ve stayed home like a good boy with the doors and windows locked. It’s time we started teaching our old men that

I think he must have a cracking group of handlers that have been covering his tracks all these years. With obsession with The Gays in particular, I just refuse to believe that Pat Robertson hasn’t been having shitloads of anonymous sex at truck stops or rest areas.

Eyebrow sex? Mmmmmmmmm.

That’s exactly what I was thinking. If you don’t use protection, a demon might enter your body for nine months. And if you try to get an exorcism, Pat Robertson and his friends will yell at you.

I can only assume that the demons are in a man’s semen. That seems like the easiest way for them to enter a woman’s body during “sex things.” Assuming this was heterosexual sex, of course. Wait ... is the demon a baby? Is this a demon baby we’re talking about here?

The Duggars need to do ‘sex things’ to up their offspring count, and they’ve done it 19 times and counting. Can we finally declare them as demons, then?

We’re all suffering under the status quo in different but equally horrible ways. Women are told to be , subservient, and likable or they’ll bee seen as catty bitches who need to get laid. Men are told to be loud, brash, and to smear their balls on everything lest balls be smeared on them magically making them beta

The most likeable guy at my job is a liar and domestic abuser. I steer clear of people who are a little too likeable.

“Fuck the police” was the order she disobeyed resulting in her being frisked.

I agree but to a certain extent you can’t manipulate how other see you. I hate to talk about being a “minority” again, but there are people who won’t consider me likeable or strike up a friendship with me because they assume things about my character, or are upset when there assumptions are not true. It can be

Well if it’s on brown bread, it’s definitely up to no good.

Oooh! I want to play the ‘NO’ game too!

I think I need a year of saying No.

My ex freaked out. I told her in an FB message when I was going to be getting married (didn’t get “engaged” - just eloped to get legally married on a few days notice). I only told her because we had been broken up less than a year, we still shared a close circle of friends, and I didn’t want her to hear from someone

One of my exes, upon hearing of my engagement, confronted me at work and outcried a tantruming baby because I was his first everything and he thought that meant I was his forever. He then tried to pry the ring off my finger and as security took him away, he kept saying I would regret it.

I didn’t wind up marrying the

I don't know. I think it's kind of a asshole move. Like, 'I kinda know you might say no so I'm going to make it as public as possible to force you to say yes'. Fuck that.