
Dick Clark had a point when he called music the soundtrack of our lives. I can recall on a whim the soul and hard funk music that surrounded my 70s childhood, the beginnings of rap and hip-hop during my teen years in the 80s, along the same time as my discovery of new wave, alternative, and classic rock (Vive le

When did Bill Cosby move to Japan?

The wording on the box is perfection.


They're probably raccoons.

That top video is more suspenseful than 40% of the movies I see.

I can't imagine what I'd do if my wife died, but I do know that I sure as fuck wouldn't be on a game show trying to score a new wife only 18 months later. I know people process grief differently, but I genuinely don't get it.

It depends on the amount of collaboration vs. just copying in an acedemic exercise.

Think of taking the notes or "reading" the book as an attempt at memorization.
Just going out and DOING the homework requires understanding and learning the core concepts behind the "facts"... so you learn how to do it.

Its also a great example for the real world, where its likely you will have to learn how to do

The only notes I ever take are math related. Everything else I remember really well. This has gotten some people mad at me over the years. Both other students and some teachers/professors. I had a high school teacher who tried to have me suspended because I wouldn't take notes. I wasn't disruptive and I was attentive

Yes, very much.

Or a Swede. Subservient that barely speaks English? Ha, ha. Not in Sweden.

I strongly encourage you to seek counseling about this, because I'm just giving a general impression from a couple of paragraphs: I get the distinct feeling that your husband is part of the problem. You're leading off by saying what a horrible wife you are: That is not a statement that comes out of a rocky

serial killer who really really wants a green card.

I will STRONGLY advise against getting involved with the Republican again. He is basically dictating the exact terms under which he will use and benefit from you, AFTER he already hurt you, and you are considering playing along!? What makes you think he won't be just as terrible under these conditions? Please please

Now playing

I'm the girl that goes to the club with her friends thrice a year and orders gingerale. :( I dunno why I am like this, but nature does. I am the teetotaling monkey. :( According to this documentary, you're a better leader than me.


Or maybe it's fun if you get pics of your "frenemies" and make 'smores out of them. A delicious ending to slowly roasting that bitch over an open flame!

"You know your territory, you're in a position of relative power (you know something they don't), and being able to articulate it proves you have value."

Confidence isn't knowing. Confidence is believing. I know a lot of confident people who have no competence. Doesn't stop them from living in their self inflated bubble.