
Not just the fact that they know exactly what you like physically, but also the fact that you can TRUST them.

Is it simply impossible to avoid being hated if you continue to be you?

but how do we sleep while our beds are burning?

I resign from dating. Over the last couple of weeks, all of Jezebel's posts about the fiiine specimens that are out there has made me want to pack it in. Ugh.

Can you imagine how insufferable that guy who wrote Catcher in the Rye would have been if he weren't a total recluse?

Indeed. But if the OP is internet commenting age, I think it's safe to assume the mother grew up under the communist regime. Hence my surprise.

I met Ukrainians in Soviet times. Russian was the colonial language imposed in all the Union Republics by the central government in Moscow. It was the language of higher education, the medical system, the army, the KGB, the national police, heavy industry and the Communist Party.

Most folks were bilingual simply

One thing I have learned in my many decades of dating - if a man tells you that you're great because you're not like "all the others," RUN. RUN FAST. RUN FAR. Because at that point, you're about 6 weeks away from being "just like the others." Then, in his mind, you'll deserve whatever kind of shitty treatment he

He... returned her?

I love the idea that a man who is sick of the supposed shallowness of American women has no problem searching for a buy-a-bride based on a set of rigid and antiquated feminine ideals without the slightest sense of irony.

is this for real?

Some guys give me wish that id be born lesbian. Don't take it a wrong way. That's why I'm single.

Im here to tell you that your Betrayal advert SUCKS BUTTS. you know it too so you disabled comments.

I have a problem with the fact that Black women had to mean mug. Rarely are Black women shown as delicate and feminine. We are usually shown as mean and hard in the media. To me this is not breaking down any barriers at all, this is the status quo, and telling in the designers comments that the opposite of a pallid

Speaking as a black woman, I just want to be normal. I want to be considered normal. When black people are cast in a role, or as a model, I want it to be the norm. I want educated blacks to be seen as the rule. I do not want my color to be the reason why I am considered exceptional, less than, exotic, ugly, sexy,

costume snob here (I sew and made all my kids' Hallowe'en costumes for years): who the hell dresses their kidlet in a purple and black dress and pretends its a leopard? Get a leopard costume!

Now playing

Joe Jackson digging into this concept back in 1982.

Essentially, yes. Masculinity and femininity are completely relative and historically contingent (I would like to yell this from he roof-tops, haha) They have no meaning except for what we ascribe to them, which of course will be through the binary because that is the easiest way to do it. And people are lazy.

Eye want a salad.

I've been told by multiple men that they were initially attracted to me, but then i asked them out. The fact that I had to ask them out instead of waiting patiently (for months I guess), meant that I was desperate. If I wasn't desperate, I wouldn't have asked them out. At least three men in a row told me that me